Help Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |


  • Abs
  • Absolute
  • Access
  • Access
  • Access
  • Access API Methods
  • Access Content
  • Access Discover Lite
  • Access Discover Pro
  • Access Present Lite
  • Access Scheduled Publications
  • Access Smart Discover
  • Access the Data Catalog
  • Accessible Content
  • Accessing Discovery Subscriptions
  • Accessing NLQ
  • Accessing Submenus
  • Accessing Subscription Content
  • Accessing the Content System
  • Accessing the Embed API package
  • Accessing the Materialized Data Manager
  • Accessing the Ribbons
  • AccessType
  • Action
  • Action Panel
  • ActionCoordinate
  • Actions
  • Discovery Actions
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Actions Wizard
  • Active Directory Setup
  • Active Memory Management
  • Add
  • Dice, Add and Swap
  • Add
  • Add (filters)
  • Add (targets)
  • Add a content item to favorites
  • Add a New Folder
  • Add a new task
  • Add a Parameter to a Query
  • Add a Profile
  • Add a tag to a content item
  • Add a Tag to the content system
  • Add a tag to the system
  • Add a Tenant
  • Add a User
  • Add a user to a Role
  • Add a Virtual Environment
  • Add an Active Directory User
  • Add Content
  • Add content items to user favorites
  • Add Custom Query Table
  • Add Date Unit
  • Add Date/ Time
  • Add Dynamic Text
  • Add Dynamic Text to Publications
  • Add Effect
  • Add Folder
  • Add folder to default tenant
  • Add new AD LDAP server
  • Add New Jobs
  • Add Pages
  • Add role to a content Item
  • Add roles to a content Item
  • Add Roles to a Data Source Database
  • Add roles to a data source item with bubble up.
  • Add roles to a data source item with propagate down.
  • Add Roles to a Data Source Server
  • Add Roles to a Materialized Model
  • Add Sections
  • Add Security Roles to a Server
  • Add Sequence
  • Add Slides
  • Add Text Fields
  • Add Users
  • Add Users to a Role
  • Add Users to a Role
  • Add Users to a Role
  • addActiveDirectoryUser
  • AddCalculatedMembers
  • addContentItemsToFavorites
  • AddDays
  • AddDays (PQL)
  • AddDays (PQL)
  • addDomainSettings
  • added slicers to your publication
  • addFolderToDefaultTenant
  • addHierarchySecurityToModel
  • AddHours
  • Adding a classic data-driven slicer
  • Adding a Context Calculation
  • Adding a Custom Connector
  • Adding a data source with Pulse
  • Adding a new Data Source Server
  • Adding a Quick Filter
  • Adding a Quick Sort
  • Adding and Editing Users
  • Adding and Removing Favorites
  • Adding and Removing Services
  • Adding Custom Column Aggregations
  • Adding Custom Fonts
  • Adding Date Parts
  • Adding Forecasts
  • Adding Master Designs to a Theme
  • Adding Members and Measures to the Query
  • Adding N-of-N logic to your Report
  • Adding Quick Parameters
  • Adding Scrollable Panels
  • Adding Services
  • Adding Services to an existing host
  • Adding the In-Memory Database (IMDB) Server
  • Adding Value Filters via the Filter Drop Zone
  • AdditionalProperties
  • AdditionalServerProperties
  • addMeasureSecurityToModel
  • addMembersSecurityToModel
  • AddMinutes
  • AddMonths
  • AddMonths (PQL)
  • AddMonths (PQL)
  • addProfile
  • AddQuarters
  • AddQuarters (PQL)
  • AddQuarters (PQL)
  • Address from Coordinates
  • AddRolesToCsxApiData
  • addRolesToDataBase
  • addRolesToItem
  • addRolesToItemAndBubbleUp
  • addRolesToItemAndPropagate
  • addRolesToModel
  • addRolesToServer
  • addRoleToItem
  • Adds a User Profile
  • addServerRoles
  • addTag
  • Add a Tag to the content system
  • Add a tag to the system
  • addTagToItem
  • Add a tag to a content item
  • Set a Tag to a content item
  • addTask
  • AddUniqueName (filters)
  • AddUserRoleData
  • AddUsersRoleData
  • addUsersToRole
  • addUserToRole
  • Add Users to a Role
  • Add a user to a Role
  • AddWeeks
  • AddWeeks (PQL)
  • AddWeeks (PQL)
  • AddYears
  • AddYears (PQL)
  • AddYears (PQL)
  • ADFS SAML Setup
  • AdjunctRequest
  • AdjunctRequestType
  • Admin API Methods
  • Admin Console Overview
  • Admin Tutorial Videos
  • Administering Content
  • Administrative Alerts
  • Administrative Automation
  • Administrative Console Sections
  • Administrative Content Functions
  • Administrative REST APIs
  • administrative rights
  • Administrator Role
  • AdminMultiTenantData
  • AdminType
  • AdminTypeApiData
  • AdUserData
  • Advanced Alerts
  • Advanced Analytic Context Functions
  • Advanced Analytical Methods in Discover vs Model
  • Advanced Chart Formatting
  • Advanced Charts
  • Advanced Forecasting
  • Advanced Formulation Options for Totals
  • Advanced Installation
  • Advanced Query Functions
  • Advanced Slicer Wizard
  • Advanced Slicer Wizard
  • Advanced Slicer Wizard
  • AdvancedOpenOptions
  • Aggregate
  • Aggregate Functions
  • Aggregate (PQL)
  • Aggregate (MDX)
  • Aggregate Functions
  • Aggregate FX
  • AggregationType
  • AI and ML Services
  • AI Settings
  • AI-generated explanatory insights
  • AlertIndicatorData
  • AlertIndicatorType
  • AlertMessageData
  • Alerts
  • Alerts
  • Alerts
  • Alerts Board
  • Alerts Builder
  • Alerts Manager
  • Alerts Schedules
  • AlertSnapshotData
  • Alignment
  • Content Layout Tools
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Alignment
  • AllDescendants
  • AllMembers
  • AllMembers (PQL)
  • AllMembers (MDX)
  • Allow All Templates
  • Alternate Rows
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Alternate Rows
  • Alternative Captions
  • Amazon Load Balancer
  • Amazon S3
  • Amazon S3
  • Amazon S3
  • Analytic Assembly Line
  • Analytics and Calculation engine
  • Analyze Further
  • Analyze Further
  • Analyze Further
  • Ancestor
  • Ancestor (MDX)
  • Ancestor (PQL)
  • Ancestors
  • And
  • AND
  • API 1.0 Methods
  • API 2.0 Methods
  • API Enumeration Definitions
  • API Object Definitions
  • API Objects and Enumerations
  • API Overview
  • ApiModifierResult
  • ApiModifierResultString
  • ApiResponseFormat
  • ApiResultLicenseStatus
  • ApiResultTaskStatus
  • App Experience
  • App is on-counter
  • App Menu
  • App Tab Home Menu
  • App Tab Manager
  • App Tabs
  • App Toolbox
  • Application Design Settings
  • Application Installer Overview
  • Application Language
  • Application Recovery
  • Application Security
  • Application Security Overview
  • Applies data security to hierarchy members
  • Applies data security to model attribute hierarchies
  • Applies data security to model measures
  • ArcCos
  • ArcSin
  • ArcTan
  • Area Chart
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Arrange
  • Arrange Tools
  • Asc
  • Ascendants
  • Ascendants (PQL)
  • Ascendants (MDX)
  • Ascending
  • AssetContainer
  • AssetData
  • AssetDynamicProperties
  • AssetInfographicsSettings
  • AssetProperties
  • AssetSettings
  • AssetTooltipSettings
  • AssetType
  • Assign Roles from the Content Manager
  • Assign Roles while Saving
  • Assigning Content Access
  • Atn
  • Attachment
  • Attachment attachmentType
  • Attachment caption
  • Attachment fileSize
  • Attachment getAttatchmentContent
  • Attachment id
  • Attachment setAttachmentContent
  • AttachmentType
  • AttachmentType Access
  • AttachmentType Audio
  • AttachmentType Excel
  • AttachmentType Gis
  • AttachmentType Image
  • AttachmentType Json
  • AttachmentType Map
  • AttachmentType NotDeclared
  • AttachmentType Pdf
  • AttachmentType Pie
  • AttachmentType Powerpoint
  • AttachmentType Text
  • AttachmentType Word
  • AttachmentType Xml
  • Attribute Hierarchies
  • Attribute Security
  • Audit Trail
  • Audit Trail (CMS)
  • Audit Trail Framework
  • augmented analytics discovery too
  • Auth API Methods
  • Auth APIs
  • Auth APIs
  • Authenticate User
  • Authenticate User
  • Authenticate User
  • Authenticate User for Embedding
  • Authenticate User for Embedding
  • Authenticate User for Embedding
  • Authenticate User for Embedding using Tokens
  • Authenticate User for Embedding with OpenID Authentication
  • Authenticate User for Embedding with SAML Authentication
  • Authenticate User for Embedding with Window Authentication
  • Authenticate User using Tokens
  • Authenticate User with OpenID Authentication
  • Authenticate User with OpenID Authentication
  • Authenticate User with OpenID Authentication
  • Authenticate User with SAML Authentication
  • Authenticate User with SAML Authentication
  • Authenticate User with SAML Authentication
  • Authenticate User with Window Authentication
  • authenticateUser
  • authenticateUserByToken
  • authenticateUserEmbed
  • authenticateUserEmbedByToken
  • authenticateUserEmbedOPENID
  • authenticateUserEmbedSAML
  • authenticateUserEmbedWindows
  • authenticateUserOPENID
  • authenticateUserOPENIDAlt
  • authenticateUserSAML
  • authenticateUserSAMLAlt
  • authenticateUserWindows
  • Authentication
  • Authentication APIs Overview
  • Authentication Failure Callback
  • Authentication Method
  • Authentication Options for MS SQL Server
  • Authentication Provider
  • Authentication Provider and Method
  • Auto Center Map
  • Auto Discover
  • Auto Discover Explained
  • Auto Discovery
  • Auto Indexing
  • Auto Interact
  • Auto Provisioning Jobs
  • Auto Recommended
  • Auto Run
  • Auto-Colorize
  • Auto-Colorize
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Readability
  • Auto-include Calculated Members
  • Automatic Column Handling
  • AutoMatrixData
  • AutoMatrixRepeater
  • auto-run
  • Average
  • Context Library (PQL)
  • Average (PQL)
  • Average (PQL)
  • Average (PQL)
  • Avg
  • AWS Marketplace
  • Axes
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Axes
  • Axes Font and Formatting
  • Axis
  • Axis Options
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Axis Options
  • Axis Options
  • Axis Position
  • Axis Position
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Axis Title
  • AxisTotalsType
  • AxisType
  • Azure Blob
  • Azure Blob
  • Azure Blob
  • Azure LDAPS Setup
  • Azure SAML Setup
  • B

  • Background
  • Background Chips
  • Background Color
  • Background Filters
  • Backing up a PostgreSQL Database
  • Backing up MS SQL or Oracle Databases
  • Bar Chart
  • Basic
  • Basic Authentication
  • Basic Forecasting
  • Basic KPI
  • Basket analysis
  • Basket Analysis Example
  • Benchmark Dialog
  • Benchmark Log
  • Benchmark logging
  • BI Office Content Conversion
  • Bidirectional Joins
  • Big Data and Unstructured Targets
  • Big Data, Unstructured, NoSQL
  • Bin by Category
  • Bin by Percentile
  • Bin by Rank
  • Context Library (PQL)
  • Custom Columns
  • Bin by Size
  • Bin by Value
  • Birch clustering
  • Block iframe hosting
  • Bold
  • Border
  • Bottom Count
  • Bottom N
  • Bottom Percent
  • Bottom Sum
  • BottomCount
  • BottomCount (PQL)
  • BottomCount (MDX)
  • BottomPercent
  • BottomPercent (PQL)
  • BottomPercent (MDX)
  • BottomSum
  • BottomSum (PQL)
  • BottomSum (MDX)
  • Box and Whisker Chart
  • Branding Options
  • BreadCrumbContainer
  • BreadCrumbModel
  • Break Hierarchies
  • Break-even cannibalization rate
  • Break-even quantity
  • Bubble Chart
  • Bubble Map Formatting
  • Bubble Maps
  • Build a List
  • Build a Presentation
  • Build a Publication
  • Build Dynamic Captions
  • Build Dynamic Images
  • Build Dynamic Text
  • Build Infographics
  • Build KPIs
  • Build Lite Discoveries
  • Build Lite Presentations
  • Build Parent Child Hierarchies
  • Build Queries in Discover
  • Build Smart Discoveries
  • Building a Shared Script
  • Building Presentations
  • Building Publications
  • Building Visualizations
  • Bullet
  • Bullet Chart
  • Bullet Chart Formatting
  • Bullet Chart Indicators
  • Bullet Chart Scale
  • Bulletin Board
  • Bulletin Board Distribution
  • Bulletin Board Distribution
  • Bulletin Board Distribution
  • C

  • CacheMode
  • Caching
  • CalcCategoryType
  • CalcProps
  • CalcType
  • Calculate History
  • Calculate in Sub Query
  • Calculated Columns
  • CalculationCurrentPass
  • CalculationDataObject
  • CalculationPackage
  • CalculationPassValue
  • CalculationPropertiesContainer
  • Calculations in Discover
  • Calendar Pickers
  • Calendar Slicer Settings
  • Calendar Slicers
  • CalendarTimeSettings
  • Candlestick Chart
  • Canopy
  • Canvas
  • Canvas
  • Canvas
  • Canvas addEventListener
  • Canvas addExternalStyleSheets
  • Canvas closeWindow
  • Canvas getHTMLElement
  • Canvas height
  • Canvas
  • Canvas
  • Canvas hideSpinner
  • Canvas isSelectionEnabled
  • Canvas notifyRenderComplete
  • Canvas onSizeChanged
  • Canvas refresh
  • Canvas setCustomCssStyle
  • Canvas setExternalStyleSheets
  • Canvas showDataPointContextMenu
  • Canvas showElementsContextMenu
  • Canvas showSpinner
  • Canvas Size
  • Canvas style
  • Canvas width
  • Canvas
  • Canvas
  • Caption
  • Captions
  • Cartesian Chart Formatting
  • Cartesian Charts
  • Cartesian Charts
  • Cartesian Charts
  • CartesianType
  • Cascading Slicers
  • Case
  • Categories
  • Categories Drop Zone
  • CBool
  • CByte
  • CCur
  • CDate
  • CDbl
  • CDec
  • Ceiling
  • CellValue
  • Certification
  • Users
  • System Info
  • Change a Folder’s Parent Folder
  • Change a User’s Admin Type
  • Change a User’s License Type
  • Change a User’s License Type
  • Change a User’s License Type
  • Change an Item's Data Source
  • Change Content Item's Description
  • Change Data Source
  • Change Description
  • Change Item's Data Source
  • Change the folder of a content item
  • Change the Parent Folder of a content item
  • Change User Status
  • Change User's Status
  • changeDataSource
  • changeDataSourceForSpecificConnectionString
  • changeDataSources
  • changeFolderParentFolder
  • changeItemDescription
  • Change Content Item's Description
  • ChangeItemDescriptionData
  • changeItemFolder
  • Change the Parent Folder of a content item
  • Change the folder of a content item
  • changeLicenseForUser
  • Change a User’s License Type
  • Change a User’s License Type
  • changeRoleAdGroupMembership
  • changeUserAdminType
  • ChangeUserLicenseData
  • ChangeUserLicenseObject
  • Changing Language
  • Changing Licensed Servers
  • Changing Queries
  • Changing the Pulse Configuration
  • Channels Dialog
  • Chart Border Width
  • Chart Design
  • Chart Padding
  • Chat Bot
  • Children
  • Children (MDX)
  • Children (PQL)
  • Chip
  • Chip caption
  • Chip chipType
  • Chip elements
  • Chip maxValue
  • Chip minValue
  • Chip uniqueName
  • ChipCategory
  • ChipType
  • ChipType MeasureChip
  • ChipType MemberChip
  • Choose
  • Chr
  • CInt
  • Circle Packing Chart
  • Circle Packing Chart
  • Circle Packing Chart
  • Clark LDF method
  • ClashDefaultOption
  • Classifiers - Prediction
  • Clean text
  • Clear Custom Formatting
  • Clear Token
  • Client Desktop
  • Client Help
  • Client Security
  • ClientAlertData
  • ClientAuthenticationData
  • ClientDistributionData
  • ClientJobDetailsData
  • ClientLicenseType
  • ClientScheduleData
  • ClientScheduleModel
  • ClientScheduleViewData
  • ClientTriggeredLaunchData
  • Clipboard Tools
  • CLng
  • ClosingElement
  • ClosingPeriod
  • ClosingPeriod (MDX)
  • ClosingPeriod (PQL)
  • Cloud Server Quick Start
  • Clustering
  • Clustering
  • Machine Learning Functions
  • CMS Diagnostic Logging
  • CmsLayoutSettings
  • CmsNodeExtraDataType
  • CmsTreeNodeExtraData
  • CmsTreeNodeMetadata
  • Coalesce
  • CoalesceEmpty
  • CollaborationOpenOptions
  • CollaborationRequestType
  • Collapse
  • Expand and Collapse
  • Expand and Collapse
  • Color
  • Color
  • Dynamic Graphic Properties
  • Color Drop Zone
  • Color Indicators
  • Color Picker
  • ColoringDirection
  • Colorize
  • Colorize Values
  • ColorRangeType
  • ColorRangeType Dual
  • ColorRangeType DualReverse
  • ColorRangeType Pent
  • ColorRangeType PentReflective
  • ColorRangeType PentReflectiveReverse
  • ColorRangeType PentReverse
  • ColorRangeType Quad
  • ColorRangeType QuadReverse
  • ColorRangeType Tri
  • ColorRangeType TriReverse
  • Column
  • Column and Row Drop Zone
  • Column Categories
  • Column Chart
  • Column Configuration
  • Column Description
  • Column Folders
  • Column Handling
  • Column Level Security
  • Column Operations
  • Column Refesh
  • Column Size
  • Column Sorting
  • Column Statistics
  • Column Visibility
  • ColumnData
  • ColumnPropertiesType
  • Columns
  • Columns
  • Columns
  • Columns
  • Columns and Rows
  • Columns Auto Fit
  • Columns Ribbon
  • Combined Color Shape Legend
  • Combined Columns
  • Combo Charts
  • Command Line Support
  • Common
  • Common App Interface
  • Common Design Capabilities
  • Community Edition
  • Comparison Operators
  • Component
  • ComponentType
  • Conditional
  • Conditional Color Examples
  • Conditional Display
  • Conditional Display
  • Conditional Display
  • Conditional Formatting Context Menu
  • Conditional Formatting Dialog
  • Conditional Formatting Logic
  • Conditional Formatting Overview
  • Conditional Formatting via Drop Zones
  • Conditional Node
  • ConditionConjunctionType
  • ConditionData
  • ConditionFormulaType
  • Configuration
  • Configuration Ribbon
  • Configure Custom Maps
  • Configure Subscriptions
  • Configuring Security Rights
  • ConnectedItemsSearchCriteria
  • Connection Time Out
  • ConnectionStringApiData
  • ConnectionStringData
  • ConnectionStringProperties
  • ConnectionStringType
  • Connector Types
  • ConnStringDscApiObject
  • Constructed Functions
  • Contact
  • Contact id
  • Contact name
  • Contact type
  • ContactType
  • ContactType Role
  • ContactType User
  • ContainerType
  • Contains
  • Contains
  • Contains (PQL)
  • Contains (PQL)
  • Content
  • Content Actions and Tools
  • Content API Methods
  • Content Cache
  • Content Captioning
  • Content Explorer
  • Content Explorer
  • Content Explorer
  • Content Folder Domains
  • Content Folder Structures
  • Content Item Mechanics
  • Content Layout Tools
  • Content Management System
  • Content Manager
  • Content Manager and Interface Videos
  • Content Panel
  • Content Roles Panel
  • Content Scheduling
  • Content Search
  • Content Security
  • Application Security Overview
  • Content Management
  • Content Settings
  • Content Tagging
  • Content Versioning
  • Content Views
  • ContentImageData
  • ContentItemObject
  • ContentSearchParams
  • ContentSearchParamsObject
  • ContentSearchResults
  • ContentType
  • ContentTypeObject
  • Context
  • Context Calculation Types
  • Context Calculations
  • Context Calculations
  • Context Calculations
  • Context Heuristics
  • Query Settings
  • Totals
  • Context Library (PQL)
  • Context Measure Calc's
  • Context Menus
  • Thumb Button and Context Menus
  • Context Menus
  • Context Menus
  • Context Menus and Properties
  • Contextual Formatting
  • Continuous Parameters
  • Continuous Parameters
  • Quick Static Parameters
  • Conversation Settings
  • Conversations
  • Conversations
  • Conversations
  • Conversations in Present
  • ConversationType
  • Conversion
  • Convert Columns
  • ConvertToNumber
  • Cookie
  • Cookie timeout
  • Coordinates from Address
  • Copy Content
  • Copy Content Items to a Folder
  • Copy Items
  • Copy or Move
  • Copy or Move a Data Model
  • Copy Paste
  • Copy Raw Data
  • Copy Styles
  • Copy URL Link
  • copyItems
  • Copy Content Items to a Folder
  • Copy Items
  • Copy-Paste
  • Correlation
  • Correlation (MDX)
  • Correlation (PQL)
  • Correlation (PQL)
  • Cos
  • Cos (MDX)
  • Cos (PQL)
  • Count
  • Count (PQL)
  • Count (PQL)
  • Count (MDX)
  • CountAvg
  • CountPercentile
  • Country from Address
  • Cousin
  • Cousin (PQL)
  • Cousin (MDX)
  • Covariance
  • Covariance (MDX)
  • Covariance (PQL)
  • Covariance (PQL)
  • CovarianceN
  • CovarianceP
  • CPU Performance
  • Create a new Data Source
  • Create a new Data Source
  • Create a new Data Source
  • Create a new Folder
  • Create a new user
  • Create a new user (ACTIVE DIRECTORY)
  • Create a new user (DATABASE)
  • Create a new user (OpenID)
  • Create a new user (SAML)
  • Create a Pyramid 2018 Website
  • Create a Security Role
  • Create a Security Role
  • Create a Security Role
  • Create a Tenant
  • Create a Tenant
  • Create a Tenant
  • Create a Theme
  • Create Condition Dialog
  • Create Multiple Data Sources from a List
  • Create Multiple Tenants
  • Create multiple users (ACTIVE DIRECTORY)
  • Create multiple users (Internal / Database)
  • Create multiple users (OpenID)
  • Create multiple users (SAML)
  • Create new Data Sources from a List
  • Create New Users
  • Create outlier annotation
  • Create outlier annotation by standard deviation
  • Create Security Roles
  • Create Security Roles from a list
  • Create Variable Lists
  • createDataServer
  • createDataServers
  • createDataSource
  • createDataSources
  • CreateDate
  • CreateDate (PQL)
  • CreateDate (PQL)
  • CreatedThemeResult
  • createNewFolder
  • Create a new Folder
  • Add a New Folder
  • createRole
  • Create a Security Role
  • Create a Security Role
  • createRoles
  • Create Security Roles from a list
  • Create Security Roles
  • createTenant
  • createTenants
  • Create Multiple Tenants
  • Create a Tenant
  • createTheme
  • createUser
  • createUserAd
  • CreateUserAdObject
  • createUserDb
  • CreateUserDbObject
  • createUserOpenId
  • CreateUserOpenIdObject
  • createUsers
  • createUsersAd
  • createUserSaml
  • CreateUserSamlObject
  • createUsersDb
  • createUsersOpenId
  • createUsersSaml
  • Creating a Subscription to Publications
  • Creating and Editing Parameters
  • Cross Filtering Slicers
  • Cross Highlighting Slicers
  • Cross Lists
  • Cross Model Mapping
  • Cross Model Mapping
  • Cross Model Mapping
  • Cross Tenancy Options
  • Cross Tenant Content
  • Cross Tenant Roles
  • Content Settings
  • Role Management
  • Cross Tenancy Options
  • Cross-Filtering and Highlighting
  • Cross-FilteringPresentation Visuals
  • Crossjoin
  • Cross-Model
  • CrossModelMapping
  • CrossModelMappingRequest
  • Cross-Tenant Content
  • Cross-Visual Interactions
  • CSng
  • CStr
  • CSV
  • Ctan
  • Cube Actions
  • CubeAuthMethod
  • Cumulative Context Functions
  • Cumulative Functions
  • Cumulative Measure
  • Cumulative Totals
  • Context Library (PQL)
  • Context Calculations
  • CurrencyDollars0
  • CurrencyDollars2
  • CurrencyEuros0
  • CurrencyEuros2
  • CurrencyPounds0
  • CurrencyPounds2
  • CurrencyRands0
  • CurrencyRands2
  • CurrencyShekels0
  • CurrencyShekels2
  • CurrencySwissFrancs0
  • CurrencySwissFrancs2
  • Current
  • Current Remote Repository
  • CurrentMember
  • CurrentMember (PQL)
  • CurrentMember (MDX)
  • CurrentOrdinal
  • CurrentPeriod
  • Custom
  • Sorting
  • Quick Sort
  • Custom Canvas Size
  • Custom Colors
  • Custom Column Aggregation Types
  • Custom Column Aggregations
  • Custom Column Categorization
  • Custom Column Categorization Types
  • Custom Column Date Part Types
  • Custom Column Date Parts
  • Custom Column PQL Editor
  • Custom Column Types
  • Custom Columns
  • Custom Connectors
  • Custom Data Connectors
  • Custom Data Source Connectors
  • Custom delimiters
  • Custom Domain
  • Custom Element Order
  • Custom Fonts
  • Custom Forecast Scripts
  • Custom Forecasting Scripts
  • Custom Formula in Script Mode
  • Custom JDBC Drivers
  • Custom List in Script Mode
  • Custom Maps
  • Geospatial Settings
  • Custom Maps
  • Custom Maps
  • Custom Members and Measures
  • custom SalesForce domain
  • Custom Selections
  • Custom Sets
  • Custom Target Schema
  • Custom Tooltips
  • Custom Trellising
  • Custom Visual API
  • Custom Visual APIs 2.0
  • Custom Visual Example - Aster Plot
  • Custom Visual Ribbon
  • Custom Visualizations
  • Custom Visuals
  • Custom Visuals
  • Custom Visuals
  • Custom Workflow API Exmaple
  • Custom WorkFlow APIs
  • Custom Workflows
  • CustomFont
  • CustomFontContentType
  • Customizing the Dice, Add and Swap Menus
  • CustomSetDiscreteValueType
  • CustomVisualApiVersion
  • Cut-Paste
  • Cut-Paste and Move
  • CvApi2
  • CvApi2 canvas
  • CvApi2 enums
  • CvApi2 externalLibraries
  • CvApi2 resultSet
  • CvApi2 setConfig
  • CvApi2 utils
  • CVar
  • CvDropZone
  • CvDropZonesMetadata
  • D

  • D3Libraries
  • D3Libraries array
  • D3Libraries axis
  • D3Libraries color
  • D3Libraries drag
  • D3Libraries ease
  • D3Libraries format
  • D3Libraries geo
  • D3Libraries hierarchy
  • D3Libraries interpolate
  • D3Libraries multiSelection
  • D3Libraries scale
  • D3Libraries scaleChromatic
  • D3Libraries selection
  • D3Libraries shape
  • Data
  • Data
  • Data (PQL)
  • Data
  • Data
  • Data Access with Windows Authentication
  • data and analytic catalog
  • Data Catalog
  • Data Model Management (Admin)
  • Data Model Manager
  • Data Catalog
  • Source Manager
  • Data Catalog Display
  • Data Catalog Export
  • Data Catalog Viewer
  • Data Cleaning - replace nulls with the mean
  • Data Cleaning - replace nulls with the median
  • Data Cleaning - replace nulls with zero
  • Data Connector Marketplace
  • Data Filters
  • Data Flow
  • Data Flow
  • Model Pro
  • Data Flow
  • Data Flow Interface
  • Data Flow Ribbon
  • Data Flow Targets
  • Data Flows vs Semantic Models
  • Data Font and Formatting
  • Data Frame Support
  • Data getCurrentTrellisData
  • Data isTrellis
  • Data Labels
  • Data Labels
  • Data Labels
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Data Mapping
  • Data Model
  • Data Model
  • Model Pro
  • Data Model Management (Admin)
  • Data Model Manager
  • Data Model Trees
  • Data Model Validator
  • Data Modeling
  • Data Modeling Concepts
  • Data Object Syntax
  • Data Points
  • Data Points
  • Data Points
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Data Points or Tuples
  • Data Security
  • Application Security Overview
  • Model Pro
  • Data Source Authentication
  • Data Source Changer
  • Data Source Limits
  • Data Source Management
  • Data Source Manager
  • Data Server Manager
  • Source Manager
  • Data Source Servers
  • Data Sources
  • Data Source Servers (Admin)
  • Data Source Servers (Admin)
  • Data Source Setups
  • Data Sources
  • Data Sources and Targets Reference
  • Data Targets
  • Data trellisData
  • data virtualization
  • Database Management (Admin)
  • Database Manager
  • Database Repository Installation
  • DataBaseRecognitionObject
  • Data-driven Dynamic Quick Parameters
  • DataFlowModelType
  • DataMember
  • DataPattern
  • Datapoint
  • Datapoint coordinates
  • Datapoint hideTooltip
  • Datapoint isSelected
  • Datapoint numerics
  • Datapoint select
  • Datapoint showContextMenu
  • Datapoint showTooltip
  • DataSet
  • DataSetColumn
  • DataSetColumnRange
  • DataSetRow
  • DataSetRowRange
  • Datasource Preview
  • DataSourceApiData
  • dataSourceChanger
  • DataSourceProperties
  • Datasources API Methods
  • DataSourceTableResult
  • DataSourceUsedTablesResult
  • Date
  • Date (PQL)
  • Date (MDX)
  • Date differences
  • Date Parts
  • Date Range
  • Date Range Source
  • Date time functions
  • DateAdd
  • DateAmerican
  • DateDiff
  • DateDiff (PQL)
  • DateDiff (MDX)
  • DateFormat
  • DatePart
  • DatePromMetadata
  • DateSearchType
  • DateSelection
  • DateSelectionType
  • DateSerial
  • DateTime
  • Date-Time
  • Date-Time Functions
  • Date-Time Functions
  • Date-Time Functions
  • Date-Time Functions
  • Date-Time Calculations
  • Date-Time Functions in the Wizard
  • Date-Time Lists
  • DateTimeAmerican
  • DateTimeUniversal
  • DateTimeWestern
  • DateToTimeStamp
  • DateUniversal
  • DateValue
  • DateWestern
  • Day
  • DayType
  • DDB
  • Deactivating Users and / or Seat Reallocation
  • Deactivation
  • Deactivation of Pyramid
  • Decision tree
  • Decision Tree
  • Deep Paste
  • Default Language
  • Default Language Setter
  • Default theme
  • DefaultMember
  • DefaultMember (PQL)
  • DefaultMember (MDX)
  • Define The Schedule
  • Delete a Content Item
  • Delete a Data Source
  • Delete a Data Source
  • Delete a Data Source
  • Delete a Materialized Model
  • Delete a Materialized Model
  • Delete a Materialized Model
  • Delete a Previous Version
  • Delete a Role
  • Delete a Schedule
  • Delete a security role
  • Delete a Slicer
  • Delete a Tag
  • Delete a task
  • Delete a Tenant
  • Delete a Theme
  • Delete a user
  • Delete a User
  • Delete an Existing Database
  • Delete Content Items
  • Delete Roles from a Data Source Database
  • Delete Roles from a Data Source Server
  • Delete Roles from a Materialized Model
  • Delete Slicers
  • Delete Tenants
  • Delete, Purge and Restore
  • Deleted Content Folder
  • Deleted Items Log
  • Deleted Items Log Details
  • deleteDataBase
  • deleteDataSource
  • Delete a Data Source
  • Delete a Data Source
  • deleteMaterializedModel
  • Delete a Materialized Model
  • Delete a Materialized Model
  • deleteProfile
  • deleteRole
  • Delete a Role
  • Delete a security role
  • deleteRolesFromDatabase
  • deleteRolesFromModel
  • deleteRolesFromServer
  • deleteSchedule
  • deleteTag
  • deleteTask
  • deleteTenant
  • DeleteTenantApiData
  • deleteTenants
  • deleteTheme
  • deleteUser
  • Delete a user
  • Delete a User
  • Deploy PIE data model
  • Deploying Pulse
  • Deploying Pyramid to AWS Kubernetes
  • deployModelFromPie
  • Derive
  • Descendants
  • Descendants (MDX)
  • Descendants (PQL)
  • Descending
  • Deselect
  • Design
  • Design
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Design Panel
  • Design Tools from the Ribbons
  • Designing Workflows
  • Detach Slicer
  • Details Drop Zone
  • Device
  • Device Id Check
  • DeviceType
  • Diagnostic Dashboard
  • Dice
  • Dice Effect
  • Dice, Add and Swap
  • Dicing in a Grid Visualization
  • Difference
  • Difference Context Functions
  • Difference from
  • Difference Functions
  • Difference matrix
  • Dimension
  • Dimension Reduction and Ranking
  • DimensionCaption
  • Dimensions
  • Dimensions and Hierarchies
  • Dimensions (MDX)
  • Dimensions
  • Dimensions and Hierarchies
  • Dimensions and Tables
  • Dimensions vs Hierarchies vs Attributes
  • DimensionUniqueName
  • Direct Model
  • Direct Model with SQL
  • Direct Query Datasource
  • Direct URL Loading
  • Direct URL Loading
  • External Parameterization
  • Disable Cache
  • Disable Slicers
  • Discover Analytics Videos
  • Discover Lite
  • Discover Lite Ribbon
  • Discover Lite Workspace
  • Discover Overview
  • Discover Pro
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Discover Pro Workspace
  • Discover Runtime Settings
  • Discover Videos
  • Discover Visualization Videos
  • Discovery Actions
  • Discovery Subscriptions
  • DiscoveryWorkspaceType
  • Discrete Parameters
  • Discrete Parameters
  • Quick Static Parameters
  • Display
  • Display Folder
  • Distinct
  • Distinct
  • Distinct (MDX)
  • DistinctCount
  • DistinctCount (MDX)
  • DistinctCount (PQL)
  • Distribute
  • Distribution
  • Scheduled Publishing
  • Distribution
  • Distribution Tables and Columns
  • Distribution via Data Mapping
  • Distribution Tables and Columns
  • Distribution via Data Mapping
  • Distribution via File Mapping
  • Divide
  • DL4J
  • DocumentTypeEnum
  • Domain Admins
  • DomainSecurityObject
  • Dominant Drivers
  • Dominant Drivers vs Influencers
  • Doughnut Chart
  • downstream
  • Drag-and-Drop Folder Move
  • Drill Down
  • Drill Through
  • Drill to Level
  • Drill Up
  • DrilldownLevel
  • DrilldownLevelBottom
  • DrilldownLevelTop
  • DrilldownMember
  • DrilldownMemberBottom
  • DrilldownMemberTop
  • DrillState
  • DrillThrough
  • DrillupLevel
  • DrillupMember
  • Drop Zones
  • Drop Zones
  • Drop Zones
  • Drop Zones
  • Drop Zones Panel
  • Dropzone
  • Dropzone caption
  • Dropzone chips
  • Dropzone type
  • DropZoneItem
  • DropZoneItemSettings
  • DropZoneType
  • DropZoneType
  • DropZoneType
  • DropZoneType AdditionalValues
  • DropZoneType Categories
  • DropZoneType Color
  • DropZoneType Columns
  • DropZoneType Details
  • DropZoneType Filter
  • DropZoneType Geo
  • DropZoneType Indicator
  • DropZoneType Labels
  • DropZoneType Motion
  • DropZoneType Rows
  • DropZoneType Shape
  • DropZoneType Size
  • DropZoneType Tooltip
  • DropZoneType TrellisHorizontal
  • DropZoneType TrellisVertical
  • DropZoneType Values
  • DropZoneType XAxis
  • DropZoneType YAxis
  • DSC
  • DscApiData
  • Duplicate a Theme
  • Duplicate Slicers
  • duplicateTheme
  • Dynamic
  • Dynamic Graphic Properties
  • Dynamic Captions
  • Dynamic Clipboard Tools
  • Dynamic Distribution
  • Dynamic Embedding Example
  • Dynamic Functions
  • Dynamic Images
  • Dynamic Interactions
  • Dynamic Jump Buttons
  • Dynamic List Parameter
  • Dynamic Measure Parameters
  • Dynamic Member Security
  • Dynamic Place Holder
  • Dynamic Place Holder
  • Dynamic Place Holder
  • Dynamic Row Level Security
  • Dynamic Text
  • Dynamic Text Fields
  • Dynamic Text Properties
  • Dynamic Web Panels
  • DynamicColorSettings
  • DynamicContextManager
  • DynamicEntityType
  • DynamicFunctionData
  • DynamicFunctionInputMember
  • DynamicFunctionResult
  • DynamicHideShowSettings
  • DynamicParameterSettings
  • DynamicRotationSettings
  • DynamicSizeSettings
  • DynamicSlideNumberSettings
  • DynamicTextDynamicProperties
  • DynamicUrlData
  • DynamicValueDefinition
  • DynamicVolumeSettings
  • E

  • E
  • Edit a Parameter
  • Edit a User
  • Edit Quick Filters
  • Edit Quick Sorts
  • Edit Slicers
  • Edit Slide Styling
  • Editing and Styling Slicers in Present
  • Editing Data Source Servers
  • EKS
  • Elastic Kubernetes Service
  • Element
  • Element caption
  • Element hideTooltip
  • Element isSelected
  • Element level
  • Element parentChip
  • Element select
  • Element showContextMenu
  • Element showTooltip
  • Element Trees Limits
  • Element uniqueName
  • ElementFunction
  • ElementFunctionArgument
  • ElementFunctionType
  • Elements
  • Elements Tree Context Menu
  • ElementSelection
  • ElementsGrouping
  • Eliminate
  • Eliminate Data Point
  • Eliminations
  • Email
  • Email Distribution
  • Email Distribution
  • Email Distribution
  • Email Messaging
  • EmailDistribution
  • EmailTemplate
  • Embed
  • Embed API
  • Embed API Authentication
  • Embed API Objects
  • Embed APIs
  • Embed Authentication
  • Embed Codes
  • Embed Cookie Timeout
  • Embed Examples and Demos
  • Embed Flow Examples
  • Embed Snippets
  • Embed Troubleshooting
  • embed-angular
  • Embedded Parameters
  • Embedded User Tracking
  • EmbeddedResult
  • EmbeddedType
  • Embedding
  • Embedding APIs
  • Embedding Techniques
  • embed-js
  • EmbedOptions
  • embed-react
  • EMMD
  • Empty Strings
  • Empty Strings
  • Empty Strings
  • Empty Strings
  • Enable Cache
  • Enable Cross Domain Groups
  • Enable Workflow Snapshots
  • Enable Workflow Templates
  • Enable Workflows
  • Ends With
  • EndsWith
  • EndsWith (PQL)
  • EndsWith (PQL)
  • Enforce SSL secure cookies
  • Enterprise Admins
  • Entry
  • Entry addNewAttachment
  • Entry attachments
  • Entry content
  • Entry createDate
  • Entry id
  • Entry Logging
  • Entry Logs
  • Entry owner
  • Entry removeAttachment
  • Entry save
  • EnumerationOutput
  • Enums
  • Enums
  • Enums
  • Enums AttachmentType
  • Enums ChipType
  • Enums ColorRangeType
  • Enums ContactType
  • Enums DropZoneType
  • Enums events
  • Enums ThemeType
  • Enums WorkflowThreadType
  • Environments Manager
  • Equals
  • Equals (PQL)
  • Equals (PQL)
  • Equals
  • Error
  • ErrorMessage
  • Estimate blood pressure in infants based on body weight
  • Estimate red cell volume in infants based on body weight
  • ETL Progress Dialog
  • EtlExecutionContextType
  • EvaluationSetFunctionType
  • EvaluationSetMetaData
  • Event
  • Event BeforeRender
  • Event DataChanged
  • Event DataPointSelected
  • Event ElementSelected
  • Event PostRender
  • Event Render
  • Event ThemeAndStyleChanged
  • Excel
  • Excel
  • Excel
  • ExcelRenderingType
  • Except
  • Except (MDX)
  • Except (PQL)
  • Except/ Remove
  • Execute a Script
  • Execute Script After Completion
  • executeMasterFlow
  • ExecuteMasterFlowObject
  • ExecuteMasterFlowResult
  • Executes a Master Flow
  • ExecuteScheduleApiData
  • Execution
  • Formula Properties
  • MDX Properties
  • ExecutionArea
  • ExecutionViewData
  • Exercise
  • Exercise: Build a Presentation
  • Exercise: Build a Publication
  • Exists
  • Exp
  • Expand
  • Expand and Collapse
  • Expand Icons
  • Expand Icons
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Expired Licenses
  • Explain explained
  • Explain Overview
  • Explainable AI
  • Explode
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Explode
  • Exponent
  • Exponential
  • Exponential Regression
  • Export a PIE file
  • Export a PIE file
  • Export a PIE file
  • Export a Theme
  • Export a Theme
  • Export a Theme
  • Export a Theme
  • Export Content to a PIE file
  • Export to Excel
  • exportContent
  • ExportData
  • Exporting / Printing Limits
  • ExportItemsData
  • exportModel
  • ExportOptions
  • exportPie
  • exportTheme
  • Export a Theme
  • Export a Theme
  • exportThemeById
  • Extended Functionality
  • Extended Query Interactions
  • Extended Security
  • Extensibility
  • External Models vs Pyramid Models
  • External Parameterization
  • ExternalLibraries
  • ExternalLibraries
  • ExternalLibraries
  • ExternalLibraries addExternalLibraries
  • ExternalLibraries
  • ExternalLibraries
  • ExternalLibraries d3
  • ExternalLibraries utils
  • ExternalParameters
  • ExternalServerData
  • Extract
  • Extract a Slicer / Parameter's members
  • Extract Query Results
  • Extract Query Results
  • Extract Query Results
  • Extract the structure of a data model
  • extractQueryResult
  • Extract Query Results
  • Extract Query Results
  • ExtraInfo
  • F

  • Facebook Datasource
  • Facebook Setup
  • Fail over
  • Favorites
  • FeedsApiData
  • File Data Sources
  • File Mapping
  • Distribution via File Mapping
  • Distribution via File Mapping
  • Walkthrough: File Mapping
  • File System
  • File Targets
  • File Upload Limits
  • Filter
  • Filter
  • Filter (MDX)
  • Filter
  • Filter
  • Filter Drop Zone
  • Value Filtering
  • Filter (PQL)
  • Filter
  • Filter Drop Zone
  • Filter Settings
  • Filter Targets
  • Filter Types
  • Filtering all Countries with Security
  • Filtering the Security Table
  • Filtering Wizard
  • FilterParameter
  • FilterSettings
  • Financial
  • Find a Data Source Database
  • Find a Data Source Server
  • Find a Materialized model
  • Find a Schedule
  • Find a Theme
  • Find Content Items By Tag Caption
  • Find Content Items By Tag ID
  • Find Security Roles
  • FindByPattern
  • FindColumnNumber
  • findContentItem
  • findDatabaseByName
  • findItemsByTagId
  • findItemsByTagName
  • findModelByName
  • FindRowNumber
  • findSchedule
  • findServerByName
  • findThemeByName
  • Finish and Build
  • First
  • FirstChild
  • FirstChild (MDX)
  • FirstChild (PQL)
  • FirstElement
  • FirstQuartile
  • FirstSibling
  • FirstSibling (PQL)
  • FirstSibling (MDX)
  • FirstWorkday
  • Fix
  • Floor
  • Flow Visual
  • Focus
  • Focus and Descendants
  • Element and Data Point Selection
  • Focus and Descendants
  • Focus and Eliminate
  • Focus Data Point
  • Folder Actions and Tools
  • Folder Context Menu
  • FolderApiData
  • FolderTenantObject
  • Font Color
  • Font Size
  • FontFormat
  • FontStyle
  • For Each Loop
  • For Loop
  • Force Data Source Totals
  • Force Password Reset
  • Forecast
  • Forecast Caption
  • Forecast Prediction Intervals
  • Forecasting
  • Forecasting
  • Context Calculations
  • Forecasting Chips
  • Forecasting Models
  • ForecastPercent
  • ForecastScriptSettings
  • ForecastSettings
  • ForecastValue
  • Fork
  • Format
  • Formula Properties
  • MDX Properties
  • Format (PQL)
  • Format (MDX)
  • Formats
  • FormattedData
  • Formatting
  • Formatting and Design
  • Formatting by Cell in MDX
  • Formatting Panel
  • Formatting Panel
  • Formatting Panel
  • Formatting Panel
  • FormData
  • Forms Authentication
  • Formula
  • Formula Examples
  • Formula Properties
  • Formula Ribbon
  • Formula Script Editor
  • Formulas
  • Formulate
  • Formulate Panels
  • Formulate Tutorial Videos
  • Formulate Workspace
  • Free Form Parameters
  • Free-Form Parameters
  • Full Month
  • Full Period
  • Full Quarter
  • Full Week
  • Full Year
  • FullMonth
  • FullQuarter
  • FullWeek
  • Fullyear
  • Function Arguments
  • Function Elements and Syntax
  • Function Return Values
  • Functional Security
  • Functional Selection
  • FunctionArgumentType
  • Funnel Chart
  • FV
  • G

  • Garbage Collection
  • Garbage Collector
  • Server Instances
  • Diagnostic Dashboard
  • Gauge Formatting
  • Gauge Labels
  • Gauge Scale
  • Gauge Shadow
  • Gauge Shape
  • Gauge Value
  • Gauges
  • General Nodes
  • General Security
  • General Settings
  • GeneralExecutionError
  • GeneralExecutionErrorData
  • Generate
  • Generic Databases
  • Geo
  • Geo Boundary
  • Context Library (PQL)
  • Custom Columns
  • Geo Distance
  • Geo Distance from Central Location
  • Geo Heat Map
  • Geo Heat Map Formatting
  • Geo-Boundary
  • GeoCode
  • GeoDistance
  • Geospatial Defaults
  • Geospatial Defaults
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Geospatial Defaults dialog
  • Geospatial Settings
  • Geospatial Settings
  • Geospatial
  • GeoSpatialData
  • Get a Content Item’s Roles
  • Get a content item's metadata
  • Get a content item's metadata
  • Get a content item's metadata
  • Get a list of al user profiles in the System
  • Get a list of all user profiles in the system for a specific tenant
  • Get a Schedule's Execution Status
  • Get a Security Role
  • Get a Security Role by ID
  • Get a Server ID
  • Get a Server's Data Details
  • Get a specific Data Source by Data Flow Node ID
  • Get a specific Data Target by Data Flow Node ID
  • Get a Tenant's Public Folders
  • Get a Tenant's Users
  • Get a Tenant's Users with specific license type
  • Get a User
  • Get a User by UPN (OpenID)
  • Get a User by UPN (SAML)
  • Get a User by UserName
  • Get a User Role
  • Get a User via ID
  • Get a User’s Content Items
  • Get a User’s Schedules
  • Get a User's Content Items
  • Get a user's data sources
  • Get a user's first-tier group folders
  • Get a user's first-tier private folders
  • Get a user's first-tier public folders
  • Get a User's Private Folder
  • Get Active Directory Groups for a Role
  • Get AD Groups in a Role
  • Get all Data Connections
  • Get all Datasources for a Tenant.
  • Get all general security roles
  • Get All Non-Private Roles
  • Get All Public Roles
  • Get All Public Roles for a Tenant
  • Get All Public Roles for a Tenant
  • Get All Public Roles for a Tenant
  • Get All Roles
  • Get all Roles for a User
  • Get all Tenants
  • Get All User Roles
  • Get All User Roles by Tenant
  • Get all Users in a Role
  • Get all variables in a Master Flow
  • Get an Item's Data Source Details
  • Get an Tenant's Data Sources
  • Get Available License Count for a Tenant
  • Get Content Item's Roles
  • Get Content Item's Roles
  • Get Content Item's Roles
  • Get content items via search
  • Get current notification indicator counts
  • Get Data Source Database Roles
  • Get Data Source Server Roles
  • Get data source used tables.
  • get Executions
  • Get Favorite Items List for a user
  • Get Folder Items
  • Get Folder Items
  • Get Folder Items
  • Get Folder Items
  • Get Items by a Given Data Source
  • Get Items created by User
  • Get License Counts for a Tenant
  • Get License Expiration Date
  • Get License Expiration Date
  • Get License Expiration Date
  • Get License Status
  • Get License Status
  • Get License Status
  • Get Master Flow Execution Progress
  • Get Materialized Model Roles
  • Get Recent Items List
  • Get Recent Items List
  • Get Recent Items List
  • Get Schedule Execution Status
  • Get schedule execution's Tasks
  • Get schedule execution's Tasks
  • Get schedule execution's Tasks
  • Get schedule task's Outputs
  • Get schedule's Executions
  • Get stock daily data
  • Get stocks data
  • Get task's Data
  • Get task's Outputs for a user
  • Get Tenant by Name
  • Get Tenant by Name
  • Get Tenant by Name
  • Get Tenant License Count
  • Get Tenant Users
  • Get the Auto-Recommended item listing
  • Get the current application version.
  • Get the Current Tenant's Users
  • Get the default tenant id
  • Get the default tenant ID
  • Get the Most Used item listing
  • Get the Recommended item listing
  • Get Theme Objects
  • Get Total Feeds Counts for a User
  • Get User Last Login Timestamp
  • Get Users by Name
  • Get Users by User Role
  • Get user's Group folder
  • Get user's Group folder
  • Get user's Group folder
  • Get user's Private folder
  • Get user's Public folder
  • Get User's System Status by Name
  • Get User's System Status by User ID
  • getAllConnectionStrings
  • getAllItemsByUser
  • getAllItemsCreatedByUser
  • getAllItemTags
  • getAllNonPrivateRoles
  • Get All Public Roles
  • Get All Non-Private Roles
  • getAllNonPrivateRolesByTenant
  • Get all general security roles
  • Get All Public Roles for a Tenant
  • getAllNonPrivateRolesIDByTenant
  • getAllPrivateRolesByTenant
  • getAllProfiles
  • getAllProfilesByTenantId
  • getAllRoles
  • Get All User Roles
  • Get All Roles
  • getAllRolesByProfileId
  • getAllRolesByUser
  • Gets all roles for a user
  • Get all Roles for a User
  • getAllTags
  • Gets all Tags
  • Gets all TagsData
  • Gets all system tags
  • getAllTenants
  • Get all Tenants
  • getAllUserContentItems
  • getAllUsersByCurrentTenant
  • Get the Current Tenant's Users
  • Get Tenant Users
  • getAllUsersByTenant
  • getAllUsersDataByTenantAndLicenceType
  • GetAuthToken
  • getAutoRecommendedItems
  • getAvailableTenantLicenseCount
  • getAvailiableTenantLicenseCount
  • getConnectionStringId
  • getContentItemMetaData
  • getContentItemsByFolder
  • getContentItemSecurityRoles
  • getContentItemSecurityRolesID
  • getDataModelStructure
  • getDataSourceForUser
  • getDataSourcesByTenant
  • getDataSourcesByUserId
  • getDatasourceUsedTables
  • getDefaultTenant
  • Get the default tenant ID
  • Get the default tenant id
  • getDefaultTheme
  • GetElement
  • getExecutions
  • Get schedule's Executions
  • get Executions
  • getFavoriteItems
  • getFolderChildrenOnlyFolders
  • getFolderItems
  • getGroupsByRole
  • Get AD Groups in a Role
  • Get Active Directory Groups for a Role
  • getItemConnectionString
  • GetItemData
  • getItemMetaData
  • getItemsByDataSource
  • getLicenseCount
  • Get Tenant License Count
  • getLicenseExpirationDate
  • Get License Expiration Date
  • Get License Expiration Date
  • getLicenseValidationStatus
  • Get License Status
  • Get License Status
  • getMasterFlowProgressUpdate
  • getMasterFlowVariables
  • getMaterializedRoles
  • getMe
  • getMostUsedItems
  • getNotificationIndicators
  • getParameterElements
  • getPrivateFolderForUser
  • getPrivateProfileIdForUser
  • getPrivateRootFolder
  • getPublicOrGroupFolderByTenantId
  • getRecentItems
  • Get Recent Items List
  • Get Recent Items List
  • getRecommendedItems
  • getRole
  • getRoleById
  • getRolesByDataBase
  • getRolesByModel
  • getRolesByName
  • Get a User Role
  • Find Security Roles
  • getRolesByServer
  • getRolesForItem
  • Gets a User’s Schedules
  • Gets all Item Tags
  • Gets all roles for a user
  • Gets all system tags
  • Gets all Tags
  • Gets all Tags
  • Gets all TagsData
  • Gets all Users
  • Gets details for the current user.
  • Gets tag data
  • Gets the default theme
  • getScheduleExecutionStatus
  • Get a Schedule's Execution Status
  • Get Schedule Execution Status
  • getSchedulesForUser
  • Get a User’s Schedules
  • Gets a User’s Schedules
  • getServerByName
  • getServerDataById
  • getSourceByNodeId
  • getTag
  • getTargetByNodeId
  • getTaskData
  • getTaskOutputs
  • getTaskOutputsForUser
  • getTasks
  • getTasksIds
  • getTenantByName
  • Get Tenant by Name
  • Get Tenant by Name
  • getThemes
  • Getting Started with CV APIs
  • Getting Started with the WorkFlow API
  • getTotalFeedsCount
  • getUser
  • Get a User via ID
  • Get a User
  • getUserByOpenIdPrincipalName
  • getUserBySamlPrincipalName
  • getUserGroupFolders
  • getUserGroupRootFolder
  • getUserLastLogin
  • Get User Last Login Timestamp
  • getUserList
  • getUserPrivateFolder
  • getUserPrivateRootFolder
  • getUserPublicFolders
  • getUserPublicRootFolder
  • getUsersByName
  • Get a User by UserName
  • Get Users by Name
  • getUsersByRole
  • Get Users by User Role
  • Get all Users in a Role
  • getUserStatus
  • getUserStatusById
  • getUserStatusByName
  • getVersion
  • Global Account
  • Global Settings
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Sheets
  • GoToSlide
  • GrandParent
  • Granular
  • Graphic Text
  • Graphic Text
  • Graphic Text
  • Grid
  • Slide Formatting and Layout
  • Grid Functions
  • Grid Alignment
  • grid borders
  • Grid Borders
  • Grid Design
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Grid Design
  • Grid Font
  • Grid Font Alignment
  • Grid Format
  • Grid Lines
  • Grid Lines
  • Content Layout Tools
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Grid Padding
  • Grid Padding
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Grid Sizing
  • Grid Sizing
  • Grid Sizing
  • GridCountAvg
  • GridCountPercentile
  • Grids
  • Group Calculations
  • Group Roles in Active Directory
  • Grouping
  • Guided Actions
  • Guides
  • Guides
  • Content Layout Tools
  • Slide Formatting and Layout
  • H

  • Hana Direct Query
  • handleApiEmbeddedAuth
  • handleApiUserPassAuth
  • HasChildren
  • HasDataPoint
  • HasDataPoint (PQL)
  • Conditional Formatting Context Menu
  • HasItem
  • Head
  • Head (MDX)
  • Head (PQL)
  • Headers
  • Help Options
  • Heuristics
  • Hex
  • Hidden Hierarchy Properties
  • Hidden Roles
  • Hidden Slicers
  • Hide Query Info
  • HideMemberType
  • HideShowOption
  • Hierarchical
  • Hierarchical Functions
  • Hierarchical Functions
  • Hierarchical Circle Packing Chart
  • Hierarchical clustering
  • Hierarchical Function
  • Hierarchical Lists
  • Hierarchical Tree Map
  • Hierarchies
  • Dimensions and Hierarchies
  • Hierarchies
  • Hierarchies and Columns
  • Hierarchize
  • Hierarchy
  • Hierarchy
  • Hierarchy (MDX)
  • Hierarchy Metadata
  • Hierarchy Overlay
  • Hierarchy Panel
  • Hierarchy Panel Mechanics
  • Hierarchy Properties
  • Hierarchy Ribbon
  • Hierarchy Types
  • HierarchyCaption
  • HierarchyCategory
  • HierarchyMapping
  • HierarchyMeasureSecurityApiObject
  • HierarchyType
  • HierarchyUniqueName
  • Home Dashboard
  • Home Menu
  • Home Page
  • Host
  • Hour
  • How Custom Workflows Work
  • How to Configure Basic Web Panels
  • How to Configure Dynamic Jump Buttons
  • How to Configure Dynamic Web Panels
  • HTTP Status Codes
  • HyperLink
  • I

  • Icicle Chart
  • Identity
  • If
  • If (PQL)
  • If (PQL)
  • If
  • IfNull
  • Ignore Model Scoping
  • Iif
  • IIf
  • Illusatrte Tutorial Videos
  • Illustrate Overview
  • Illustrate Ribbons
  • Image
  • Image Size
  • Image Snapshots
  • ImageSize
  • ImageUploadStatus
  • IMDB
  • ImmutableListQomSelection
  • ImmutableListValueSelection
  • impacting factors
  • Impersonate
  • Users
  • Add Users
  • Import
  • Import a Custom Map File
  • Import a Data Model
  • Import a PIE file
  • Import a PIE file and Run the Data Source Changer
  • Import a Theme
  • Import a Theme
  • Import a Theme
  • Import and Export
  • Import Content from a PIE file
  • Import Images
  • Slide Formatting and Layout
  • Import Images
  • Import Images
  • importAndDscPie
  • ImportApiResultObject
  • importContent
  • ImportDscPieApiData
  • Importing Roles
  • Importing Users
  • importModel
  • importPie
  • importTheme
  • Import a Theme
  • Import a Theme
  • in place analytics
  • Inbox
  • Include Calculated Member
  • Incremental Loading
  • IndexOf
  • IndexOfMax
  • IndexOfMin
  • Indicator Drop Zone
  • Influencers
  • Infographics
  • Init
  • Initial Mobile Log In
  • Initial User
  • Initialization
  • Inject to Target
  • Inject Variables
  • Installation Directories
  • Installation Rights
  • Installation Steps and Details
  • Installed Authentication
  • Installed Samples
  • Installer Overview
  • InStr
  • Int
  • Integrate Slicers with Dynamic Images
  • Intelligent Totals
  • Interaction
  • Interaction Manager
  • Interaction Manager
  • Interaction Manager
  • Interaction Picker
  • InteractionContainerType
  • Interactions
  • Interactions and Filtering
  • InteractionType
  • Interactive Content
  • Interactive Selections
  • Interactive Tutorials
  • InteractOptions
  • Internal Network Encryption
  • Internal Parameters
  • Internal Parameters
  • Internal Parameters
  • Internet Access for Mapping
  • Intersect
  • Intersect
  • Intersect (PQL)
  • Intersect (MDX)
  • Inverted
  • Sorting
  • Quick Sort
  • IPmt
  • IRR
  • IsAncestor
  • IsArray
  • IsCellEmpty
  • IsCellValid
  • IsClientLoaded
  • IsDate
  • IsEmpty
  • IsEmpty (MDX)
  • IsEmpty (MDX)
  • IsEmptyQuery
  • IsError
  • IsGeneration
  • IsLeaf
  • IsLoggedIn
  • IsMissing
  • IsNAN
  • IsNull
  • IsNumeric
  • IsQueryValid
  • IsSibling
  • Italics
  • Item
  • Item Picker tool
  • Item Selection Bar
  • ItemContentPackage
  • ItemData
  • ItemExists
  • ItemId
  • ItemMruData
  • ItemParentApiData
  • ItemRoleData
  • ItemRolePair
  • ItemRolesForRemoval
  • ItemRolesToBeAdded
  • ItemsForFavorites
  • ItemType
  • J

  • JavaScript Actions
  • JDBC Class Name
  • JDBC Connection String Template
  • Job Spooler
  • Join Keys
  • Joins
  • Joins
  • Joins
  • JoinType
  • JSON File Source
  • Jump
  • Jump to Slide
  • Jump To URL
  • JWT
  • K

  • Keda
  • Kerberos delegation
  • Kerberos Delegation for Pyramid 2018
  • Kerberos Keytab Configuration File
  • Kerberos Keytabs
  • Key Performance Indicator
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • K-means
  • KNN
  • KPI
  • KPI Functions
  • KPIs
  • KPI Chart Formatting
  • KPI Charts
  • KPI Dynamic Bands
  • KPI Ribbons
  • KpiAttributeType
  • KPICurrentTimeMember
  • KPIGoal
  • KPIs
  • KPIStatus
  • KpiStylesOptions
  • KPITrend
  • KPIValue
  • KPIWeight
  • Kubernetes
  • Kubernetes Configurator
  • Kubernetes Initialization
  • Kubernetes Installations
  • Kubernetes Unattended Initialization
  • L

  • Label
  • Labels Drop Zone
  • Lag
  • Lag (PQL)
  • Functional Selection
  • Lag (MDX)
  • Language
  • Languages
  • Lasso tool
  • Last
  • Last n Periods
  • LastChild
  • LastChild (PQL)
  • LastChild (MDX)
  • LastColumn
  • LastElement
  • LastPeriods
  • LastRow
  • LastSibling
  • LastSibling (PQL)
  • LastSibling (MDX)
  • Layout
  • Layout Containers
  • Layout Containers
  • Layout Containers
  • LayoutBehaviorType
  • LayoutElement
  • LayoutElementContentType
  • LayoutElementJumpAction
  • LayoutElementLegacyLegendSettings
  • LayoutElementLegendPosition
  • LayoutElementPanelStyles
  • LayoutElementStyles
  • LayoutElementTitleStyles
  • LayoutElementVisualFlowOptions
  • LayoutSettings
  • LayoutStyles
  • LCase
  • LDAP Setup
  • LdapGroupDetails
  • LdapGroupIdentifier
  • LdapSearchObject
  • LdapSearchType
  • LdapUserDetails
  • LdapUserObject
  • LdapUsersSearchObject
  • Lead
  • Lead (MDX)
  • Functional Selection
  • Lead (PQL)
  • LeafDescendants
  • Learn and Predict Scripts
  • Learning Center
  • Learning Hub
  • Leaves
  • Left
  • Left (PQL)
  • Left (MDX)
  • Legend Formatting
  • Legends
  • Len
  • Length
  • Level
  • Level (PQL)
  • Level (MDX)
  • Level Overlay
  • Levels
  • Levels (PQL)
  • Levels (MDX)
  • License Change Wizard
  • License Dashboard
  • License Operations
  • License Seats
  • License Warnings
  • LicenseStatus
  • Licensing
  • Licensing Manager
  • Limitations of the Hidden Properties in Queries
  • Line
  • Line Chart
  • Line Style
  • Lineage
  • Linear
  • Linear Regression
  • Linear regression Outliers
  • LinearTrendSlopeValue
  • LineBreak
  • LinkMember
  • LinRegIntercept
  • LinRegPoint
  • LinRegR2
  • LinRegSlope
  • LinRegVariance
  • Linux Installs
  • List
  • List Functions
  • List Functions
  • List Actions
  • List Builder
  • List Examples
  • List Properties
  • List Ribbon
  • Lists
  • Lists and Sets
  • Load Balancing Settings
  • Location
  • LocationRequest
  • Log
  • Log (PQL)
  • Log (MDX)
  • Log cleaner time interval
  • Log Purge
  • Log Settings
  • Log10
  • Logarithmic
  • Logarithmic Regression
  • Logging
  • Logical
  • Logical Functions
  • Logical Functions
  • Logical Functions
  • Logical Functions
  • Logical Operators
  • Login
  • login as a user
  • Login as a User
  • Login Windows Authentication
  • LoginSamlAuth
  • LoginWindowsAuth
  • Lollipop Charts
  • LookupCube
  • LookupMaxColumn
  • LookupMaxRow
  • LookupMinColumn
  • LookupMinRow
  • Loop
  • Looping Steps
  • LoopVector
  • Lower case
  • LTrim
  • M

  • machine key
  • Machine Key
  • Machine Learning Examples
  • Machine Learning Functions
  • Machine Learning Nodes
  • Machine Learning Overview
  • Mack Chin-Ladder
  • MacroFilter
  • MacroOrder
  • MacroOrderResult
  • MacroTarget
  • Maintenance Mode
  • Making Data Point Selections for Sorts
  • Manage
  • MANAGE Acces
  • Manage Actions
  • Manage Discoveries
  • Manage Lite Discoveries
  • Manage Lite Presentations
  • Manage Smart Discoveries
  • Manage Smart Models
  • Managing Alerts
  • Managing Context Calc's
  • Managing Context Calculations
  • Managing Custom Columns
  • Custom Columns
  • Managing Custom Columns
  • Managing Custom Fonts
  • Managing Custom Maps
  • Managing Direct Models
  • Managing Group Calculations
  • Managing Materialized Data
  • Managing NLQ Discoveries
  • Managing Quick Calculations
  • Managing Server Nodes
  • Managing Workflows and Conversations
  • Manually Building Cascading Slicers
  • Map Colors
  • Map Colors
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Map Default Labels
  • Map Formatting
  • Map Labels
  • Map Location Drop Zone
  • Map Type
  • Maps
  • Marimekko Chart
  • Marketplace
  • Marketplace
  • Marketplace
  • Marketplace Scripts
  • Markup
  • Masking
  • Master Flow
  • Master Flow Interface
  • Master Flow Validation
  • Master Flows
  • Master Page Templates
  • Master Pages
  • Master Pages in Themes
  • MasterFlowFindDataSourceObject
  • MasterFlowModelNameObject
  • MasterFlowOtherObject
  • MasterFlowProgressResult
  • MasterFlowSchemasObject
  • MasterFlowSourceConnectionObject
  • MasterFlowSourceObject
  • MasterFlowTargetConnectionObject
  • MasterFlowTargetObject
  • MasterFlowUpdatedVariableResult
  • MasterFlowValidationResult
  • MasterFlowVariableConnectionObject
  • MasterFlowVariableObject
  • MasterFlowVariablesResult
  • MasterFlowVariablesValueObject
  • MasterFlowVariableValueObject
  • MasterPageType
  • Materialized Data Manager
  • MaterializedApiData
  • MaterializedApiObject
  • MaterializedItemObject
  • MaterializedItemType
  • MaterializedRoleAssignmentType
  • Math
  • Math Functions
  • Math Functions
  • Math functions
  • Math FX
  • MathFunction
  • Matrix Factorization
  • Matrix Grid
  • Matrix Grid
  • Matrix Grid
  • Matrix Table Layout
  • Matrix Table Layout
  • Matrix Table Layout
  • Matrix transpose
  • Max
  • Max Query Cache Size
  • MaxGrid
  • Maximum
  • Maximum (PQL)
  • Maximum (PQL)
  • Maximum (PQL)
  • MDX
  • MDX Language
  • Query & Function Overview
  • MDX Properties
  • Measure Descriptions
  • Measure Editor
  • Measure Folders
  • Measure Formats
  • Measure Group Filtering
  • Measure List
  • Measure Optimization
  • Measure Overlay
  • Measure Properties
  • Measure Security
  • Measure Slicers
  • Measure Types
  • MeasureGroup
  • MeasureGroupMeasures
  • Measures
  • Measures
  • Column Configuration
  • Measures
  • Median
  • Median (PQL)
  • Median (MDX)
  • Median (PQL)
  • Median (PQL)
  • Member
  • Member Functions
  • Member
  • Member Functions
  • Member and Data Point Selection
  • Member Color Lock
  • Member Security
  • Member Security Cache
  • Member Selection
  • MemberCaption
  • MemberData
  • MemberDataApi
  • MemberKey
  • Members
  • Members and Elements
  • Members Search
  • Members Search
  • Members Search
  • MembersSecurityApiObject
  • MemberToStr
  • MemberUniqueName
  • Merge Join
  • Message Settings
  • MessagesDisplayType
  • Messaging
  • Messaging
  • Inbox
  • Metadata Cache
  • Metadata Overlay Cache
  • Metadata Panel
  • MetadataOverlay
  • Microsoft Models
  • Microsoft Analysis Services
  • Microsoft IIS
  • Microsoft SQL Server Repository
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Mid
  • Migration Destinations
  • Migration Wizard
  • Min
  • MinGrid
  • Mini Map
  • Miniature Visualizations
  • Miniature Visualizations
  • Miniature Visualizations
  • MiniatureMode
  • MinifiedCustomCollaboration
  • MinifiedCustomVisual
  • Minimum
  • Minimum (PQL)
  • Minimum (PQL)
  • Minimum (PQL)
  • Minimum Time per Million Cells
  • Mini-Tab Layout
  • Minute
  • MIRR
  • Missing Data Wizard
  • Mixed Authentication
  • ML and Scripting Environments
  • ML as a tool in Pyramid
  • ML by Pyramid
  • ML in Pyramid, by Pyramid
  • MLlib
  • Mobile Administrative Setup
  • Mobile and Tablet App
  • Mobile App Deployment
  • Mobile Content Navigation
  • Mobile Content Preparation
  • Mobile Device List
  • Mobile Device Manager
  • Mobile Device Saving Mode
  • Mobile Devices
  • Mobile Devices
  • Mobile Devices
  • Mobile Devices Settings
  • Mobile Interactions
  • Mobile Login Process
  • Mobile Messaging
  • Mobile Phones
  • Mobile Platform
  • Mobile Presentations
  • Mobile Security
  • Mobile Timeout
  • MobileApplicationType
  • MobileDeviceType
  • MobileSettingsData
  • Model
  • Model and Analyze Pyramid Usage
  • Model Board
  • Model Colors
  • Model Colors and Formats
  • Formatting by Cell in MDX
  • Model Colors and Formats
  • Model Files vs Deployed Models
  • Model Formats
  • Model Lite
  • Model Lite Heuristics
  • Model Management
  • Model Metadata and Trees
  • Model Pro
  • Model Pro Examples
  • Model Processed Date
  • Model Processing
  • Model Ribbons
  • Model Scheduling
  • Model Tool Interfaces
  • Model Transfer Cleanup
  • Model Tutorial Videos
  • ModelAttribute
  • ModelAttributeType
  • ModelConnection
  • ModelDataFlowSourceInfo
  • ModelingAttributeParameterValue
  • ModelingColumn
  • ModelingColumnCategories
  • ModelingHierarchy
  • ModelingHierarchyLevel
  • ModelingMeasure
  • ModelingModel
  • ModelingParameterDTO
  • ModelingParameterListOption
  • ModelingParameterSelectionType
  • ModelingProperty
  • ModelingRelationship
  • ModelingRelationshipColumnPair
  • ModelingServerInfo
  • ModelingTable
  • ModelingTableType
  • ModelParameterOperator
  • ModelParameterValue
  • ModelParameterValues
  • ModelProcessedDateSettings
  • ModelRecognitionObject
  • Models Schedules
  • ModelTextOption
  • ModifiedItemsResult
  • Modify Active Directory Groups in a Role
  • ModifyCase
  • MongoDb Datasource
  • Month
  • Month counter
  • Month to Date
  • MonthDayType
  • More Drop Zone Options
  • Most Used
  • Motion
  • Motion Drop Zone
  • Move Content Items to a Folder
  • Move Items
  • Move to Start or End
  • moveItems
  • Move Content Items to a Folder
  • Move Items
  • MoveItemsData
  • MoveItemsObject
  • Moving Average
  • MS
  • MTD
  • MTD (MDX)
  • MTD (PQL)
  • Multi Chart Title
  • Multi Chart Title
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Multi Files
  • Multi Server Deployments
  • Multi Tables
  • Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Web Services
  • Authentication
  • Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Multi-Factor Authentication Token Reset
  • Multi-Measure Charts
  • Multi-Measure Segment Charts
  • Multi-Measures
  • Multi-Measures Panel
  • Multiple
  • Multiple Service Instances
  • Multiple Tenants
  • Multiply
  • Multi-Server Deployment Activations
  • Multi-Server Repository
  • Multi-Server Upgrades
  • Multitenancy
  • My Content
  • N

  • Naïve Bayes
  • Naïve Bayes
  • Machine Learning Functions
  • Name
  • NameToSet
  • Native vs RDS Remote Locations
  • Natural
  • Natural Language Query
  • AI Settings
  • Natural Language Query
  • Natural Order
  • natural sort order
  • Sorting
  • Quick Sort
  • NaturalOrderType
  • Navigating and Querying Data
  • Navigation Options
  • NetBios
  • Network Configuration
  • Networking
  • New Deployment Activation
  • New Internal Repository
  • New Lite Model
  • New Remote Repository
  • New Report
  • New Slicer
  • New Slicer
  • New Slicer
  • New Smart Model
  • New Smart Model
  • New Smart Model
  • NewFolderApiData
  • NewTenantObject
  • Next Member
  • NextMember
  • NextMember (MDX)
  • NextMember (PQL)
  • NGINX Web Server
  • NLP
  • NLQ
  • NLQ Chat
  • NLQ Chat Bot
  • NLQ Geo Intelligence
  • NLQ Intelligence
  • NLQ Time Intelligence
  • NLQ Visualizations
  • Node Execution Status
  • Node Selection
  • N-of-N
  • N-of-N Examples
  • NonEmpty
  • NonEmpty (PQL)
  • NonEmpty (MDX)
  • NonEmptyCrossjoin
  • Not
  • NotEquals
  • Notes
  • Notification API Methods
  • NotificationIndicatorsResult
  • Now
  • NPer
  • NPV
  • Number0
  • Number1
  • Number2
  • NumberBillions
  • NumberMillions
  • NumberOfCells
  • NumberOfColumns
  • NumberOfRows
  • NumberThousands
  • Numerics
  • Numerics additionalValues
  • Numerics color
  • Numerics indicator
  • Numerics labels
  • Numerics shape
  • Numerics size
  • Numerics tooltip
  • Numerics value
  • Numerics xAxis
  • Numerics yAxis
  • O

  • OAuth 2.0
  • Oct
  • OData
  • OData Datasource
  • OData Feed
  • ODBC
  • ODBC Direct
  • ODBC Setup
  • OdbcDirectQueryOptions
  • Offline Installation
  • Offline Installation of R and Python
  • Offline Registration for Community Edition
  • Offset
  • Older Versions of Help
  • one-off calculations
  • Managing Custom Columns
  • Managing Context Calc's
  • Managing Quick Calculations
  • OnPeakDayOfWeek
  • Opacity
  • Opacity
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Open a Previous Version
  • Open and Edit a Direct Model
  • Open and Edit a Model
  • Open and Edit Discoveries
  • Open And Edit Smart Models
  • Open Content
  • Open Content
  • Open Viewer Content
  • Open Edit Lite Models
  • Open Folder Content
  • Open Related Content
  • OpenHub
  • OpenID Authentication
  • OpenID Setup
  • OpeningElement
  • OpeningPeriod
  • OpeningPeriod (MDX)
  • OpeningPeriod (PQL)
  • Operations API Methods
  • Operators
  • OperatorType
  • Opt In
  • Opt Out
  • Optimize
  • Optimize Totals
  • Query Settings
  • Totals
  • Or
  • OR
  • Oracle Repository
  • Order
  • Content Layout Tools
  • Order (PQL)
  • Order (MDX)
  • Order by Label
  • Order by Selection
  • Order by Value
  • OrderedList
  • OrderSettings
  • Ordinal
  • Ordinal (PQL)
  • Ordinal (MDX)
  • OsType
  • Other
  • Other Calculation Tools
  • Other Charts
  • Other Help Resources
  • Other Language Choices
  • Outlier
  • Outlier Categorization
  • Outliers
  • Context Library (PQL)
  • Outliers
  • Outliers from Ribbon
  • Outliers Logic
  • Output
  • Overwrite Solve Order
  • P

  • Page orientation
  • Page Repeater
  • Page Sizes and Orientation
  • Page Triggers
  • PAM
  • Panel Settings
  • Panel Settings Dialog
  • Panel Tools
  • PanelPosition
  • Panels
  • Panels
  • Panels
  • Panels
  • PanelSettings
  • PanelSubTitleType
  • PanelTitleType
  • Paper Size or Type
  • PaperType
  • Parallel Day
  • Parallel Period
  • Parallel Period
  • Parallel Period
  • ParallelPeriod
  • ParallelPeriod (MDX)
  • ParallelPeriod (PQL)
  • ParallelPeriods
  • Parameter Mechanism
  • Parameter Wizard
  • parameterizing a URL
  • Parameters
  • Parameters vs Slicers
  • Parent
  • Parent (MDX)
  • Parent (PQL)
  • Parent Child Hierarchies
  • Parent Child Hierarchy Examples
  • Parent Child Vs Regular Hierarchies
  • Parent-Child Hierarchy Security
  • ParentChildOrphanHandlingType
  • ParentChildRollupType
  • Pareto
  • Context Library (PQL)
  • Context Calculations
  • Pareto
  • Parquet
  • partial decision tree driven segment analysis
  • Explain
  • Explain explained
  • ParticipantData
  • Partition
  • Pass-through datasources
  • Pass-through Direct Query
  • Password Strength
  • PatternMatchDefinition
  • Pause All
  • PAUSE all task engines
  • Pause an Active Schedule
  • Pause an Active Task
  • Pausing Task Processing
  • PDFConverterType
  • Peak vs Off-Peak
  • Percent Difference
  • Percent of
  • Context Library (PQL)
  • Context Calculations
  • Percent of Difference of
  • Percent of Max
  • Context Library (PQL)
  • Context Calculations
  • Percent of Maximum
  • Percent of Total
  • Context Library (PQL)
  • Context Calculations
  • Percent0
  • Percent1
  • Percent2
  • Percentage Markup Formula
  • Percentile
  • PercentileRank
  • Performance Dialog
  • Performance Routing
  • Period On Period
  • Period-on-Period KPIs
  • Periods
  • PeriodsToDate
  • Permanent Storage
  • PermissionBitIndex
  • Personal Subscription Manager
  • Personalization time interval
  • Phone Distribution
  • PhoneMessagingDistribution
  • PI
  • PIE
  • Pie Chart
  • PIE Files
  • PieApiData
  • PieApiObject
  • ping
  • Pivot
  • Pivot Behaviors
  • Plot Area
  • Plotted Chart Formatting
  • Plotted Charts
  • Plotted Charts
  • Plotted Charts
  • Pmt
  • Point Charts
  • Point Size
  • Pool Size
  • PortalDistribution
  • Post Expiration Renewal
  • Post Installation Adjustments
  • PostgreSQL Repository
  • Power
  • Context Calculations
  • Power (PQL)
  • Power Regression
  • PPmt
  • PQL
  • PQL Language
  • Query & Function Overview
  • PQL Editor
  • PQL & MDX Language Reference
  • PQL Editor
  • Script Editors
  • Calculated Columns
  • PQL Operators
  • PredefinedItemSaveType
  • Predict
  • Preparation
  • Present Lite
  • Present Lite Actions Menu
  • Present Lite Design
  • Present Lite Panels
  • Present Lite Workspace
  • Present Overview
  • Present Ribbons
  • Present Runtime Settings
  • Present Targets
  • Present Tutorial Videos
  • Presentation Actions
  • Presentation Analytics
  • Presentation and Publication Legends
  • Presentation Assets
  • Presentation Background
  • Presentation Design
  • Presentation Launcher
  • Presentation Menu
  • Presentation Overview
  • Presentation Runtime
  • Presentation Slicers
  • Presentation Subscriptions
  • Presentation Timer
  • Presentation Workspace
  • PresentationTreeNode
  • Preview Panels
  • Preview Variables
  • Previous Member
  • PrevMember
  • PrevMember (MDX)
  • PrevMember (PQL)
  • Primary Keys and Indexing
  • Principal Name
  • SAML Authentication
  • OpenID Authentication
  • Print an Item with Slicers
  • Print and Export
  • Print and Export Summary
  • Print Folder
  • Print Folder Content
  • Printing and Documentation
  • Printing from Embedded Content
  • Printing in Discover
  • Printing in Present
  • Printing in Publish
  • Printing Jobs
  • PrintingFont
  • PrintingHeaderFooter
  • PrintingHeaderFooterSection
  • PrintingHeaderFooterSectionPosition
  • PrintingHeaderFooterType
  • PrintingImageQuality
  • PrintingJobType
  • PrintingOnlineJobType
  • PrintingOutputType
  • PrintingPagingType
  • PrintingType
  • PrintSelectedDocumentData
  • PrintSettings
  • Pro Apps
  • Pro Client
  • Pro Client Video
  • Pro Client Workspace
  • Pro Workflow Overview
  • Process a Direct Model
  • Processed Tasks
  • Processing Options Dialog
  • Product Activation
  • Professional License
  • Profile and Licensing Example
  • ProfileApiData
  • ProfilePermissionHolder
  • ProfileRolesData
  • Profiles
  • Pro Client
  • Profiles
  • Progress Panel
  • Prom
  • PromContentStyles
  • PromData
  • PromDefaultSelectionType
  • Prometheus
  • PromFontStyles
  • PromPositionSelection
  • PromSelection
  • PromSelectionMetadata
  • PromSelectionType
  • PromSelectionWrapper
  • PromSettings
  • PromStyles
  • PromTitleStyles
  • PropagateRolesApiData
  • Properties
  • Properties
  • Properties (MDX)
  • Properties Panels in Formulate
  • PropertyFieldType
  • PropertyOverrideSelection
  • PropertySelection
  • Provisioning
  • Proxy Settings
  • Public Content
  • Publication Analytics
  • Publication Board
  • Publication Design
  • Publication Legends
  • Publication Overview
  • Publication Schedules
  • Publication Slicers and Interactions
  • Publication Subscriptions
  • Publication Templates
  • Publication Workspace
  • Publications Feed
  • Publish
  • Publish Ribbons
  • Publish Tutorial Videos
  • Publishing and Distribution
  • Pulse
  • Pulse and other Web Server Technologies
  • Pulse Installation Steps
  • Pulse Installer Overview
  • Pulse Nodes
  • Purge
  • Purge a Content Item
  • Purge Content Items
  • purgeContentItems
  • purgeItem
  • PV
  • Pyramid Chart
  • Pyramid Event
  • Pyramid IMDB
  • Pyramid Import-Export files
  • Pyramid In Memory Database
  • Pyramid Licensing
  • Pyramid Models
  • Pyramid Query Language (PQL)
  • Pyramid Reports
  • Pyramid Sources
  • PyramidAction
  • PyramidActionParentContainerType
  • PyramidActionTargetType
  • PyramidActionType
  • PyramidContentItem
  • PyramidEmbedClient
  • PyramidItemIdentifier
  • PyramidTreeNode
  • PyramidViewUserObject
  • Python Forecast Template
  • Python Learn and Predict Examples
  • Python Scripting
  • Python Source
  • Q

  • QBColor
  • Qom
  • QomAxisFilterCalculationType
  • QomAxisOrderType
  • QomColumnsContainer
  • QomCustomSet
  • QomFilter
  • QomFilterContainer
  • QomOrder
  • QomOrderContainer
  • QomSelection
  • QomSelectionProperties
  • QomSelectionType
  • QomShowEmptiesContainer
  • QomSubTotalContainer
  • QomTotal
  • QomTotalContainer
  • QomTuple
  • QomVisualTotal
  • QomVisualTotalContainer
  • QTD
  • QTD (PQL)
  • QTD (MDX)
  • Quarter To Date
  • Query
  • Query
  • Query
  • Query
  • Query & Function Overview
  • Query API Methods
  • Query APIs
  • Query APIs
  • Query Benchmarks
  • Query Cache
  • Query Cache
  • Caching
  • Query Caching
  • Query Calculation Cache
  • Query Functions
  • Query Interactions
  • Query Language
  • Query Limits
  • Query Limits
  • Query Limits
  • Query Metadata Panel
  • Query Options
  • Query Reset
  • Query Settings
  • Query Timeout
  • Data Source Limits
  • Data Source Limits
  • QueryExportData
  • QueryInputSelection
  • QueryInputSelectionType
  • QueryLanguageState
  • QueryResult
  • QueryResultExtraInfo
  • QueryResultMessage
  • QueryResultMessageExtraData
  • QueryResultSummary
  • QueryScope
  • QueryStateModel
  • Quick Calc's
  • Quick Calculations
  • Quick Calculations
  • Quick Calculations
  • Quick Calculations
  • Quick Discovery
  • Quick Discovery
  • Quick Discovery
  • Quick Filter
  • Quick Formulas
  • Quick KPIs
  • Quick Lists
  • Quick Logic
  • Quick Model on Relational Database
  • Quick N-of-N
  • Quick Open
  • Quick Parameters
  • Quick Sort
  • Quick Sort Labels
  • Quick Sort Values
  • Quick Start and Learning Center
  • Quick Static Parameters
  • Quick Totals
  • Quick Variable Lists
  • QuickEmbed
  • QuickEmbedOptions
  • R

  • R Forecast Template
  • R Scripting
  • R Source
  • Radar Chart Formatting
  • Radar Charts
  • Radar Line Chart
  • Ragged Hierarchies
  • Random
  • Random forest
  • Random Number
  • RandomDouble
  • Range
  • Range Aggregate Functions
  • Range List
  • Range Slicers in Present
  • Range Slicers in Publish
  • Range Slider
  • Range Slider
  • Range Slider
  • Rank
  • Rank (PQL)
  • Rank (MDX)
  • Rank (PQL)
  • Rate
  • Rating a Content Item
  • RatingSearchType
  • Raw Embedding
  • Raw Results
  • RDS Remote Locations
  • READ Access
  • Readability
  • Recents
  • Recognize a Database
  • Recognize an existing Data Model
  • recognizeDataBase
  • recognizeModel
  • Recommendations for Kubernetes
  • Record expander by days
  • Record expander by month
  • Recoveries
  • RecurringType
  • ReductionType
  • Reference Line
  • Refresh
  • Refresh Metadata
  • Refresh Snapshot Thumbnails
  • Refresh Snapshots
  • Refresh Snapshots
  • Refresh Snapshots
  • Refreshing Metadata and Localization
  • Registration Process
  • RegistrationData
  • Regression Functions
  • Regression Trees
  • regular expression
  • RelatedItemData
  • Relational Databases
  • Relational Targets
  • Relationships and Joins
  • Relationships and Tables
  • Reload configuration
  • Remove a content item's tag
  • Remove a content item's tag
  • Remove a content item's tag
  • Remove content items from user favorites
  • Remove Duplicates
  • Remove Interactions
  • Remove roles from a content Item
  • Remove rows with missing data
  • Remove the values most different from the mea
  • RemoveBlanks
  • removeContentItemsFromFavorites
  • removeRolesFromItem
  • Removes a user profile from the system
  • removeTagFromItem
  • Remove a content item's tag
  • Remove a content item's tag
  • Removing Clusters
  • Removing Outliers
  • Removing Pareto Values
  • Removing Regression Values
  • Removing Services
  • Removing Services from an existing host
  • Removing Statistical Values
  • Rename a Content Item
  • Rename a Content Item
  • Rename a Content Item
  • Rename Columns
  • renameItem
  • Rename a Content Item
  • Rename a Content Item
  • RenameItemApiData
  • Renderer Collection
  • Reorder Columns
  • Replace
  • Replace (PQL)
  • Replace
  • Replace Empty String
  • ReplaceDataSourceByServerIdData
  • Report Design
  • Report Reset
  • Report Title
  • Report Title
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Report Triggers
  • Reporting Services
  • Repository Backups
  • RequestOrigin
  • Rerun Direct Models
  • Rerun Lite Models
  • Rerun Smart Models
  • reRunTask
  • Reset Formatting
  • Reset Formatting
  • Slide Formatting and Layout
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Reset Password
  • Resetting MFA tokens for Admin Users
  • Resource Usage
  • REST API Approach and Structure
  • REST API HTTP Status Codes
  • Rest APIs
  • Restart the server
  • Restore
  • Restore Deleted Content Items
  • restoreSoftDeletedContentItems
  • result limit
  • Result Preview
  • ResultSet
  • ResultSet data
  • ResultSet dropzones
  • ResultsObjectData
  • Resume a Paused Schedule
  • Resume a paused task
  • resumeSchedule
  • resumeTask
  • Returns a list of roles assigned to the specified user profile
  • Returns the profile assigned to the specified user
  • Reuse Pre-Existing Repository
  • Revoke Access Cookie
  • Users
  • Add Users
  • Rewire All Interactions
  • RGB
  • RGB (PQL)
  • RGB (MDX)
  • Right
  • Right (MDX)
  • Right (PQL)
  • Risk return ratio
  • Rnd
  • Role Management
  • RoleAdGroupsModifyObject
  • RoleApiData
  • RoleAssignmentType
  • RoleData
  • RoleMinimalData
  • RolesBasedItem
  • RolesInItemRemovalObject
  • RoleToItemApiData
  • Rolling Average
  • RollupChildren
  • Root
  • RootFolderType
  • Rotation
  • RotationDirection
  • Round
  • Round (MDX)
  • Round (PQL)
  • Round Numbers
  • Round numbers in strings
  • Round Robin
  • Row
  • Row Area Size
  • Row Level Security
  • Row Limit
  • Rowset
  • rrrrr
  • RSS
  • RTrim
  • RuleBase
  • Ruler
  • Run a Schedule
  • Run an Existing Schedule
  • Run an Existing Schedule
  • Run an Existing Schedule
  • Run Button
  • Run Lite Presentations
  • Run Slide Show
  • Content Folder Structures
  • Run Slide Show
  • Run the Data Source Changer
  • Run Time Services
  • Running Queries
  • Runorphan cleaner
  • runOrphanCleaner
  • runSchedule
  • Run a Schedule
  • Run an Existing Schedule
  • Runtime Functions
  • Runtime Functions and Interactive Capabilities
  • Runtime Settings
  • RuntimeComponentStyles
  • S

  • sales growth by year
  • SalesForce
  • SalesForce Filtering with SOQL
  • SalesForce Setup
  • SameSite
  • SAML Authentication
  • Web Services
  • SAML Authentication
  • SAML Setup
  • Sanctioned Model
  • Data Model Management (Admin)
  • Data Model Manager
  • Sanctioned Model certificate
  • Data Model Management (Admin)
  • Data Model Manager
  • Sankey Chart
  • Sankey Chart
  • Sankey Chart
  • SAP BW Certifications
  • SAP BW Features
  • SAP BW Licensing
  • SAP BW Models
  • SAP BW Setup
  • SAP BW Technical Names
  • SAP HANA Certifications
  • SAP HANA Datasource
  • SAP HANA Licensing
  • SAP HANA Setup
  • SAP HANA Views
  • SAP Models
  • SAP Parameters for BW and HANA
  • SAP SSO 'SNC' Setup Guide
  • SAS Data Set Source
  • Save a Direct Model
  • Save a Previous Version
  • Save and Edit a Variable List
  • Save and Share
  • Save and Share Discoveries
  • Save Lite Models
  • Save Machine Learning Models
  • Save Models
  • Save Smart Models
  • SaveScheduleResult
  • Saving Content
  • Saving and Sharing Calculations
  • Scale Control
  • Scale Mode
  • Scale Modes
  • Scale to Fit
  • Scale to Fit
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • ScaleMode
  • Scaling Pyramid
  • Scatter Chart
  • Scatter Line Chart
  • Schedule
  • Schedule and Subscription Manager
  • Scheduled Distribution
  • Scheduled Publishing
  • ScheduleDataType
  • ScheduleResultType
  • Schedules Manager
  • ScheduleSearchCriteria
  • ScheduleStatus
  • ScheduleType
  • ScheduleViewObject
  • ScheduleViewType
  • Scheduling
  • Schema Display
  • Scientific Notation
  • Scope Isolation
  • Script Editor
  • ScriptData
  • Scripted Sources
  • Scripting
  • Scripting Engines
  • Scripting Environments
  • AI Settings
  • ML and Scripting Environments
  • Scripting Inputs and Outputs
  • Scripting Mechanics
  • ScriptType
  • Scrollable Layout
  • ScrollableLayoutElement
  • SDLC
  • Search Active Directory Group Members
  • Search AD Group Members
  • Search AD Groups
  • Search AD Groups
  • Search AD Groups
  • Search AD Users
  • Search for Active Directory users
  • Search for Content Items
  • Search User’s AD Groups
  • Search User’s AD Groups
  • Search User’s AD Groups
  • searchAdGroups
  • Search AD Groups
  • Search AD Groups
  • SearchAdGroupsData
  • searchAdGroupsForUser
  • Search User’s AD Groups
  • Search User’s AD Groups
  • SearchAdGroupsForUserByDomainData
  • SearchAdGroupUsersData
  • SearchAdUserGroupsData
  • searchAdUsers
  • Search AD Users
  • Search for Active Directory users
  • SearchAdUsersData
  • searchAdUsersForGroup
  • SearchAdUsersForGroupData
  • searchAdUsersForGroups
  • searchContent
  • SearchCriteria
  • SearchMatchType
  • SearchRootFolderType
  • Second
  • SectionType
  • Secure Smart Models
  • Securing SAP HANA User Connections
  • Securing User Connections to SAP BW
  • Security
  • Application Security Overview
  • Security
  • Security PQL Script Editor
  • Security Script Examples
  • Security Settings
  • Security Tables
  • Security Tables and Columns
  • SecurityType
  • Segment Chart Formatting
  • Segment Charts
  • Select
  • Select
  • Value Filtering
  • Select or Deselect Elements
  • Selection
  • SelectionItem
  • SelectionMethod
  • Selections
  • Selective Threshold
  • SelfCalc
  • Semantic
  • Semantic Library (PQL)
  • Semantic Library (MDX)
  • Semi Additive Measures
  • SendGrid
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • SerializedMemberMap
  • Series Editing
  • Server Deployment
  • Server Installation
  • Server Instances
  • ServerAuthenticationMethod
  • ServerData
  • Servers
  • Server-Side Trusted Connections to SAP BW
  • Service Memory Limits
  • Service Settings
  • Service-counter
  • ServiceMethod
  • Session
  • Session currentUser
  • Session rolesIds
  • Session theme
  • Set a Default Theme
  • Set a Tag to a content item
  • Set Element Order
  • Set Intersect
  • Set Memory Limit
  • Set Missing Geospatial Information
  • Set Schema
  • Data Flow Targets
  • Target Tables
  • Set User's Administration Level
  • Set Variable
  • SetAuthToken
  • setDefaultTheme
  • setItemAsFavorite
  • Sets the values of a list of variables
  • Setting Measure Security
  • Setting Security for Hierarchies
  • SetToArray
  • SetToStr
  • setUserAdministrationLevel
  • Sgn
  • Shallow Neural Net
  • Shape Drop Zone
  • Shape Map Formatting
  • Shape Maps
  • Shapes
  • Shapes and Data Points
  • Shapify Values
  • Shared Scripting
  • Shared Scripting example using R
  • Shared Scripts
  • Sharepoint
  • Sharp Ratio
  • Show and Edit Interactions
  • Show Data Grid
  • Show Details
  • Show Notes
  • Show or Hide Empties
  • Show Panel
  • Show Ruler
  • Show Warnings
  • Show/Hide
  • Siblings
  • Siblings (MDX)
  • Siblings (PQL)
  • SimpleAdvancedOptions
  • SimpleRequest
  • Sin
  • Sin (PQL)
  • Sin (MDX)
  • Single Server Deployments
  • Single Server Deployments Activations
  • Single Tenant
  • Size
  • Size Drop Zone
  • Slicer Actions
  • Slicer Formats
  • Slicer Formatting
  • Slicer Limits
  • Slicer Settings
  • Slicer Settings
  • Slicer Settings
  • Slicer Styles
  • Slicer Visualization Types
  • SlicerMemberDataType
  • Slicers
  • Slicers
  • Slicers
  • Slicers Limits
  • SlicerSearchType
  • SlicerSelectionMode
  • Slide Canvas
  • Slide Formatting and Layout
  • Slides and Sections
  • SLN
  • Smart
  • Smart Present
  • Smart Alerts
  • Smart Discover
  • Smart Discover Workspace
  • Smart Insights
  • Smart Insights
  • SmartInsightsCategorical (PQL)
  • SmartInsights (PQL)
  • Smart Modeling
  • Smart Modeling Heuristics
  • Smart Publish
  • Smart Visualization Mechanics
  • SmartInsightRequest
  • SmartInsights
  • SmartInsightsCategorical
  • SMS
  • SMTP Email Server
  • Snap to Grid
  • Content Layout Tools
  • Slide Formatting and Layout
  • Snapshots time interval
  • SNC
  • Soft Delete vs Purge
  • softDeleteContentItems
  • softDeleteItem
  • Solve Order
  • Sort
  • Column Configuration
  • Sort
  • Sort
  • Sort and Filter Hierarchies
  • Sort by Label
  • Sorting
  • Quick Sort
  • Sort Order
  • Sort Settings
  • Sort Targets
  • Sort Types
  • Sorting
  • Source
  • Source Manager
  • SourceMember
  • Sources
  • Space
  • Special Tables and Columns
  • Split Columns
  • Split Nodes
  • Spooling
  • SQL Script
  • SQL Variables Vs Static Variables
  • Sqr
  • SSL certificate
  • Stacked 100 Bar Chart
  • Stacked 100 Column Chart
  • Stacked Bar Chart
  • Stacked Column Chart
  • Standalone Installation
  • Standard Deviation
  • Standard Functionality in Embedding
  • Standard Geospatial Maps
  • Standard List
  • Standard Lists
  • StandardDeviation
  • Start a Conversation
  • Starts With
  • StartsWith
  • StartsWith (PQL)
  • StartsWith (PQL)
  • Static Distribution List
  • Static Quick Parameters
  • Static Text
  • Statistical
  • Statistical Functions
  • Statistical Functions
  • Statistical Functions
  • Statistical Context Functions
  • Statistics
  • Status Drop Zone
  • Status Indicators
  • Stdev
  • Stdev (MDX)
  • Stdev (PQL)
  • StdevP
  • StdevP (PQL)
  • StdevP (MDX)
  • Str
  • StrComp
  • StrConv
  • Stream Chart
  • String
  • String Functions
  • String (MDX)
  • String Functions
  • String Functions
  • String Functions
  • String Left
  • String Right
  • StringJoin
  • StringToDate
  • StringtoDateTime
  • StripCalculatedMembers
  • StrToDate
  • StrToMember
  • StrToMember (MDX)
  • StrToMember (PQL)
  • StrToSet
  • StrToSet (MDX)
  • StrToSet (PQL)
  • StrToTuple
  • StrToValue
  • Structure Analyzer
  • Style
  • Style backgroundColor
  • Style fontColor
  • Style fontFamily
  • Style fontSize
  • Style fontStyle
  • Style fontWeight
  • Style getRangeColors
  • Style getThemeColorByIndex
  • Style lineColor
  • Style pyramidThemeStyle
  • Style themeBackgroundColor
  • Sub Query Mode
  • sub-dropzone
  • Subscribe to Publication
  • Subscription Options
  • Subscriptions
  • Subscriptions Feed
  • Subscriptions Schedules
  • Subsequent Adding and Removing of Services
  • Subset
  • SubsetItem
  • Substring
  • SubString
  • Sub-Totaling Options
  • Sum
  • Sum (PQL)
  • Sum (PQL)
  • Sum (MDX)
  • Sum (PQL)
  • Sum vs Aggregate
  • Summaries Panel
  • Summarize
  • Summary Panel
  • Sunburst Chart
  • Sunburst Chart
  • Sunburst Chart
  • Support for SAP BW Features
  • suspendSchedule
  • suspendTask
  • Swap
  • Swap Effect
  • Switch
  • Switch (PQL)
  • Switch
  • Switch (PQL)
  • Switch (MDX)
  • Switch Statement
  • SYD
  • Syntax Preview
  • SyntaxType
  • System Info
  • System logging
  • System Logs
  • System Maintenance Tools
  • System Requirements
  • System Schedule
  • T

  • Tab Menu
  • TabAppearanceType
  • TabContentLayoutElement
  • TabLayoutElement
  • TabLayoutStyles
  • Table
  • TableLayout
  • TableLayoutElement
  • TableLayoutSizeConfig
  • TableLayoutStyles
  • TableOfContentsSettings
  • Tables
  • Tables Panel
  • Tables Ribbon
  • Tablet Presentations
  • Tablets
  • TabPosition
  • Tabular Grid
  • TagData
  • TagType
  • TagUsageApiData
  • Tail
  • Tail (PQL)
  • Tail (MDX)
  • Tan
  • Tan (MDX)
  • Tan (PQL)
  • Target
  • Target
  • Target
  • Target Interactions to Slicers
  • Target Parameterization for Presentations
  • Target Tables
  • Data Flow Targets
  • Target Tables
  • Targeting Content from External Inputs
  • Targeting Slicers
  • TargetMember
  • TargetParameter
  • Targets for Cross Interactions
  • Task Manager
  • Task Services
  • Task Services Setup
  • Tasks API Methods
  • TaskStatus
  • TaskUserApiData
  • TaskViewData
  • Team Member Content for Administrators
  • Technical References
  • Templates by Model
  • Tenant Management
  • TenantInfo
  • TenantLicenseTypeData
  • TenantSettings
  • TenantUsersGetObject
  • Tensor Flow
  • testDataSourceStatus
  • Text
  • Text and Shapes
  • Text Fields
  • Text File Sources
  • Text Formatting
  • Text Formatting
  • Text Formatting
  • TextFieldType
  • The Data Directory
  • The Forecast Value Chip
  • The Main Installation Directory
  • The Save Dialog
  • theme
  • Theme
  • Theme Editor
  • Theme Management
  • Theme Security
  • Theme Setting Guide
  • Theme, Device, and Layout
  • ThemeApiData
  • ThemeApiObject
  • ThemeData
  • ThemeEditorData
  • ThemeEditorType
  • ThemeIdsApiData
  • ThemeListObject
  • ThemePreviewData
  • Themes
  • Themes API Methods
  • ThemesApiData
  • ThemeSection
  • ThemeType
  • ThemeType
  • ThemeType
  • ThemeType Dark
  • ThemeType Light
  • Thesaurus
  • ThirdQuartile
  • ThreadData
  • ThreadType
  • Thumb Button
  • Thumb Button and Context Menus
  • Time Calculation Wizard
  • Time Intelligence
  • timeout
  • Timer
  • TimeSerial
  • TimeStampToDate
  • TimeValue
  • Tips for Working with Forecasting
  • TitlePosition
  • To Date
  • ToDegrees
  • ToggleDrillState
  • toggleEnableUser
  • Change User Status
  • Change User's Status
  • ToggleUserApiData
  • ToLower
  • Tooltip
  • Tooltip Drop Zone
  • Top Count
  • Top N
  • Top Percent
  • Top Sum
  • TopCount
  • TopCount (PQL)
  • TopCount (MDX)
  • TopPercent
  • TopPercent (MDX)
  • TopPercent (PQL)
  • ToProper
  • TopSum
  • TopSum (PQL)
  • TopSum (MDX)
  • ToRadians
  • Tornado Chart
  • ToString
  • Total Formatting
  • Total Functions
  • Total Position
  • TotalAdditionalProperties
  • TotalColumn
  • TotalGrid
  • TotalRow
  • Totals
  • Totals Type
  • TotalSettings
  • TOTP
  • TOTP Authenticator Apps
  • ToUpper
  • Transaction Log Details
  • Transaction logging
  • Transaction Logs
  • Transitioning File Systems
  • Tree Map
  • Tree Map Chart
  • Tree Slicer
  • Trellis Axes
  • Trellis Axes
  • Discover Pro Ribbons
  • Trellis Drop Zones
  • TrellisData
  • TrellisData column
  • TrellisData datapoints
  • TrellisData row
  • TrellisData trellisElements
  • Trial
  • Trial and Community Edition Registration
  • Trig FX
  • TriggerData
  • Triggered Launch
  • Triggered Schedule Launch
  • TriggerInteraction
  • Triggers
  • Trim
  • Trim (MDX)
  • Trim
  • Trim (PQL)
  • TrimLeft
  • TrimRight
  • Troubleshooting Guide for SAP BW
  • Troubleshooting SAP BW connections
  • Tuples
  • TupleToStr
  • Tutorials
  • Twilio
  • Twitter Datasource
  • Twitter Setup
  • Two Factor Authentication
  • TypeName
  • Types of Linear Functions
  • Types of Quick Filter
  • Types of Quick Formulas
  • Quick Formulas
  • Quick Parameters
  • Types of Quick KPIs
  • Types of Quick Lists
  • Types of Quick Sort
  • U

  • UCase
  • Unattended Installations
  • Unattended Examples
  • Unattended Installations
  • Underline
  • Uninstalling Pyramid Applications
  • Uninstalls
  • Union
  • Union (MDX)
  • Union
  • Union Join
  • unique key
  • UniqueName
  • UniqueName (MDX)
  • UniqueName (PQL)
  • UniqueNames
  • Units and Currency
  • UnknownMember
  • Unlink Content
  • Unlink Content
  • Unlink Content
  • Unorder
  • UnorderedList
  • Unpivot
  • Update a User’s Roles
  • Update a User’s Roles
  • Update a User’s Roles
  • Update data source used schemas.
  • Update model name.
  • Update phones of users
  • Update Role Profiles
  • Update settings for multiple users (OpenID)
  • Update settings for multiple users (SAML)
  • Update the Connection for a Data Source
  • Update the Connection for a Data Target
  • Update the Connection for a Variable
  • Update user details
  • Update user settings (ACTIVE DIRECTORY)
  • Update user settings (ACTIVE DIRECTORY)
  • Update user settings (ACTIVE DIRECTORY)
  • Update user settings (Internal / DATABASE)
  • Update user settings (Internal / DATABASE)
  • Update user settings (Internal / DATABASE)
  • Update user settings (OpenID)
  • Update user settings (SAML)
  • updateDataFlowNodeSchemas
  • updateModelName
  • updateRolesByProfileId
  • Updates a tenant seats
  • updateSourceNodeConnection
  • updateTargetNodeConnection
  • updateTenantSeats
  • UpdateTenantSeatsObject
  • updateUser
  • updateUserAd
  • UpdateUserAdObject
  • updateUserDb
  • UpdateUserDbObject
  • updateUserOpenId
  • UpdateUserOpenIdObject
  • updateUserRoles
  • Update a User’s Roles
  • Update a User’s Roles
  • updateUsersAd
  • updateUserSaml
  • UpdateUserSamlObject
  • updateUsersDb
  • updateUsersOpenId
  • updateUsersPhones
  • updateUsersSaml
  • updateVariableConnection
  • updateVariableValue
  • Upgrade Installation Steps
  • Upgrade Installations
  • Upgrade Installations
  • Application Installer Overview
  • Upper case
  • upstream
  • URL Actions
  • URL Loading
  • URL Parameterization
  • UrlDecode
  • UrlEncode
  • Use Client-side Hashing
  • Use Default Value (SAP BW)
  • Use Dynamic Images and Texts
  • User Defaults
  • User Defaults (Administrative)
  • User Deployment in Pyramid
  • User Impersonation
  • User Listing
  • User Management
  • User Recommended
  • User Security Operations
  • User Settings
  • User Types and Roles
  • UserAdAccount
  • UserAdDomain
  • UserCredentials
  • UserCustomData
  • UserData
  • UserEmail
  • UserFirstName
  • UserLastName
  • UserName
  • UserName (MDX)
  • UserName (PQL)
  • UserOpenIdCredentials
  • UserPrincipalName
  • UserPrincipalNameAlt
  • UserProxyAccount
  • UserRoles
  • UserRolesData
  • UserRolesSet
  • Users
  • UserSamlCredentials
  • UsersCreation
  • UserSettingsData
  • UserStatusID
  • UserTenant
  • UserTokenCredentials
  • UserWorkspaceSettings
  • Using Attribute Hierarchies
  • Using Content Search
  • Using Data Model Metadata
  • Using Date-Time Hierarchies
  • Using Drill Path Hierarchies
  • Using Geospatial Hierarchies
  • Using Image URL Hierarchies
  • Using KPIs
  • Using Parent-Child Hierarchies
  • Using Regular Hierarchies
  • Using Sub-Drop Zones and Logic Options
  • Using Tags
  • Using the Clustering Function
  • Using the Dice, Add and Swap Menus
  • Using the Elements Tree
  • Using the Hierarchies Tree
  • Using the Measures Tree
  • Using the N-of-N Wizard
  • Using the Outliers Function
  • Using the Pivot Operation
  • Using the Regression Functions
  • Using the Sorting Wizard
  • Using the Statistics Function
  • Using the Theme Manager
  • Using the Time Calculation Wizard
  • Using the Totals Dialog
  • Using URL Hierarchies
  • Utilities
  • Utilities findUserOrRolesContains
  • Utilities getUsersAndRoles
  • Utils
  • Utils getAllChips
  • Utils getChip
  • Utils getDropzone
  • Utils selectDatapoints
  • Utils selectElements
  • UtilsLibraries
  • UtilsLibraries fetch
  • UtilsLibraries lodash
  • UtilsLibraries moment
  • UtilsLibraries numeral
  • UtilsLibraries tinycolor
  • UtilsLibraries uuid
  • V

  • Val
  • Validate
  • Validate Data Flow
  • Validate Data Model
  • Validate Join
  • Validate Joins
  • validateMasterFlow
  • Validates a Master Flow
  • ValidMeasure
  • ValidRootFolderType
  • Value
  • Value (MDX)
  • Value
  • Value chip
  • Value Driven Colors
  • Value Filtering
  • Value Filters
  • Value Filters vs Slicer Filters
  • Value formattedValue
  • Value isEmpty
  • Value rawValue
  • Values
  • Sorting
  • Quick Sort
  • Values
  • Values and Measures
  • Values Drop Zone
  • ValueSelection
  • ValueSelectionProperties
  • Variable List Parameters
  • Variable Lists
  • Quick Lists
  • Variable Lists
  • Variables
  • Variables Panel
  • Variance
  • Variance (MDX)
  • Variance (PQL)
  • VarianceP
  • VarianceP (PQL)
  • VarianceP (MDX)
  • VBA
  • Version History
  • Video Tutorials
  • View Tools
  • Viewer Client
  • Viewer Client Video Tutorials
  • Viewer Interactions
  • Viewer License
  • Viewer Mobile Navigation
  • Viewer Workflow Overview
  • Viewing Discover Content
  • Virtual Scripting Environments
  • Visual Gallery Presets
  • Visual Miniaturization
  • Visual Optimization
  • Visual Optimization Triggers
  • Visual Totals
  • VisualConfig
  • VisualConfig waitForCompleteNotify
  • Visualization Design
  • Visualization Formatting
  • Visualization Picker
  • Visualization Toolbox
  • Visualization Tooltip
  • Visualizations
  • Visualizations
  • Visualizations
  • Visualizations
  • Visualizing KPIs
  • VisualRecommendationRequest
  • VisualTotals
  • Volume
  • W

  • Walkthrough
  • Walkthrough: Custom Formula in Script Mode
  • Walkthrough: Custom List in Script Mode
  • Walkthrough: Data Mapping
  • Walkthrough: File Mapping
  • Walk through: Build Dynamic Captions
  • Waterfall Chart
  • Waterfall Chart Formatting
  • Web Page Assets
  • Web Server Authentication Method
  • Web Server Installation
  • Web Services
  • Web Sources
  • Webhook for Microsoft Teams
  • Webhook for Slack
  • WebhookDistribution
  • Webhooks
  • Webhooks Distribution
  • Week To Date
  • Weekday
  • Weekday counter
  • Weka
  • Welcome Panel
  • While Loop
  • white label
  • Windows Authentication
  • Web Services
  • Data Access with Windows Authentication
  • Windows Authentication and Browser Settings
  • Windows Installs
  • Word Cloud
  • Word Cloud Chart
  • Word Stemming
  • Workflow API Overview
  • Workflow Settings
  • Workflow Template Permissions
  • WorkflowApi
  • WorkflowApi canvas
  • WorkflowApi currentThread
  • WorkflowApi enums
  • WorkflowApi externalLibraries
  • WorkflowApi onBeforeUnload
  • WorkflowApi onFormLoad
  • WorkflowApi onSave
  • WorkflowApi session
  • WorkflowApi utilities
  • Workflows and Conversations Board
  • Workflows and Conversations in Discover
  • Workflows in Present
  • Workflows vs Conversations
  • WorkflowThread
  • WorkflowThread addContacts
  • WorkflowThread addNewEntry
  • WorkflowThread coordinates
  • WorkflowThread createdBy
  • WorkflowThread entries
  • WorkflowThread expirationDate
  • WorkflowThread getContacts
  • WorkflowThread getEntriesByDate
  • WorkflowThread getLastEntries
  • WorkflowThread hasDataSnapshot
  • WorkflowThread hasReportSnapshot
  • WorkflowThread id
  • WorkflowThread isEmailParticipents
  • WorkflowThread isReportSpecific
  • WorkflowThread notifyChangeToContacts
  • WorkflowThread removeContacts
  • WorkflowThread removeEntry
  • WorkflowThread removeThread
  • WorkflowThread save
  • WorkflowThread subtitle
  • WorkflowThread title
  • WorkflowThread type
  • WorkflowThread validation
  • WorkflowThreadType
  • WorkflowThreadType Cell
  • WorkflowThreadType Component
  • WorkflowThreadType Document
  • WorkflowThreadType Member
  • Workgroup Content
  • Workgroup Folders
  • Working with Dates
  • Workspace Layout
  • Workspaces
  • Wrap Text
  • WRITE Acces
  • Write Capable
  • Writing Natural Language Questions
  • Writing NLQ Questions
  • WTD
  • WTD (MDX)
  • WTD (PQL)
  • X

  • XML File Source
  • Y

  • YAML
  • Year
  • Year To Date
  • Yearly Sales Variance
  • YTD
  • YTD (MDX)
  • YTD (PQL)
  • Z

  • Zoom Control
  • Pyramid Analytics © 2017-2023